With rainforests and low rolling savannahs teeming with wildlife, Guyana is a country of immense biological wealth. However, the importance of wildlife is not always recognised or understood, presenting enormous challenges for the goal of sustainable use. Globally, wildlife, be it plant or animal life, is often mistreated or misused in pursuit of short-term benefits, often only for a few. To place emphasis on the importance of wildlife, worldwide, the United Nations General Assembly has set aside March 3 to be celebrated as World Wildlife Day annually. This year World Wildlife Day will be celebrated under the theme, ‘The future of wildlife is in our hands’.
Why is the future of wildlife important?
Contribution to the economy – the Wildlife trade is a very lucrative one. Activities such as logging, trading of animals such as monkeys, parrots, snakes and even parts of animals, once practiced sustainably, has the potential to greatly improve a person’s economic position as well as the country’s economy.

Provides raw materials – materials such as wood, paper, and even clothing are obtained from wild plants and animals.
Maintains ecological balance – the interaction of various types of wildlife within the environment ensures there is a balance of nature through complex food webs, and nature cycles, e.g., carbon cycle.
Provides food – wildlife animals are eaten by us humans, while trees provide various types of fruits which we eat.
Recreation – the beauty of nature is ideal for relaxation. Many activities such as bird watching, photography, hiking, camping, boating etc. are made

worthwhile because of wildlife.
Why is the future of wildlife in our hands?
Because Wildlife provides so much for us as humans, we tend to overdo and overexploit through habitat destruction, illegal trade and intentionally hurting wildlife species. However, we need to realise that these actions impact wildlife negatively, by causing a decline in numbers of significant species such as Arapaima, which causes a disruption in the balance of nature.

It is therefore imperative that we as humans realise just how important is the role we play when it comes to wildlife conservation, since it is our actions that result in the negative issues they face. It is time for us to consider the long-term benefits we can gain from wildlife and not be short-sighted in seeking to fatten our pockets now without consideration for these precious forms of life.
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