I expect an empty treasury

Dear Editor,
THOUGH it shall be grossly unfair, I believe that the new councillors who will be elected on March 18 to govern Georgetown for the next three years will meet an empty and broken treasury.Worse than meeting an empty treasury, I believe they shall be met with a monstrous overdraft of tens of millions of dollars. So I think they will not only have nothing to spend, but will have to use their energies repaying this huge loan (overdraft to the bank). I think that this present administration of the Council is in a race for time, trying to spend every last cent its members can get their hands on under the guise of cleaning up the city for the Golden Jubilee, before the new Council arrives and brings some order to the madness taking place at City Hall.

I think that bad fiscal management is being practised at City Hall; and if so, it is dishonesty at best, and is just plain and simple wrong, and must be stopped immediately.

Of course, the first thing the new Council must do is have a comprehensive forensic audit that should cover, if not the life of this present Council, then for the last seven years, which would undoubtedly turn up some very interesting facts.

Public officials must be made to understand that taxpayers’ money is not their own to spend as they like — filling their pockets and that of their friends — but must be spent prudently and lawfully.
Sincerely yours,

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