Many often ask how come I have so much energy to work out. fa2I work out on an average five hours daily, so more than your average three square meals is necessary for my daily functioning.
The secret is out! Energy boosting smoothies along with some natural supplements has really made a difference and added some extra “pep to my step.”
Most of us wander into the kitchen rather groggily first thing in the morning and reach for a cup of tea or coffee for a caffeinated jolt. Consider sipping something a little more nourishing and rejuvenating.
These smoothie recipes are as good for you as they are delicious and can be enjoyed as either a wake up tonic, afternoon refresher or post workout recovery boost. Live nutrients and enzymes in juices and smoothies feed every cell in your body while liquids from the fruits you’re using keep you hydrated and that’s a far better method of staying awake and energetic than knocking back all those dehydrating coffees.fa1

What you will need: a juicer, a blender, fresh fruits and vegetables, milks, herbs and spices as the recipe require.

Lemon Avocado Green Smoothie
Lemon is a much underrated fruit. Though it is commonly used as a flavoring and garnish for food, it’s not what one would choose as a snack. Lemons are rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as Vitamin C. It helps prevent cancer by stopping the division of cancer cells. This smoothie makes use of lemons as an ingredient and is good for breakfast or snacks. Lime also adds a kick with more Vitamin C. Additions of avocado and spinach makes it smooth and green.

An energizing breakfast or snack smoothie
• 1 cup spinach
• 1 large banana, sliced
• 2 lemon wedges
• 1 lime wedge
• 2 tbsp. cashewsfa3
• 2 tbsp. avocado
• 2 tbsp coconut butter
• 1 tbsp. honey
• Milk to fill line
Energizing Banana Smoothie

Here is an easy banana smoothie recipe that I like for after running. Banana is a favorite snack of athletes, including myself. It helps balance and stabilize energy levels which can improve endurance during training. Aside from that, banana is a rich source of potassium which is known to help prevent muscle cramps. This healthy and energizing smoothie is a perfect companion of exercise and training.

The almonds, yogurt and whey protein are added to give the drink a good post workout boost of protein to help with muscle building and recovery. You can leave out the whey if you want a bit less protein and less calories. You can also substitute any protein powder.

Energizing Banana Smoothie
An energizing banana smoothie recipe that helps prevent muscle cramps. This would be great for after exercise.

 banana, frozen
 2-4 ice cubes
 2 tbsp. whey protein
 1 tbsp. lime juice
 1 4-ounce Greek yogurt, non-fat
 1 small handful of almonds
 Half tsp cinnamon
 Almond milk to fill line on nutribullet

Fat Burning Fruit Recipe
Caffeine and Green Tea are both metabolism boosters. I have seen some reports that caffeinated green tea is akin to a negative calorie drink because it is calorie free yet will make you burn other calories faster. Thus, the idea behind fat burning smoothies is to include it in the ingredients and then also include healthy additions that won’t go to the waistline. Ideally that would be more vegetable based to avoid any sort of sugars as seen in our Fat Burning Green Tea and Vegetable Smoothie Recipe, but I had a request for a fruit based version, so here it is. Leave the carrots out if you want all fruit. This recipe also includes a good dose of Vitamin C and antioxidants.

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