Raj Singh must say who are the executives of the DCB

“I WISH to record my shock and dismay at what is being perpetrated upon the Guyanese people and the obvious non-action by the APNU/AFC government.Referring to the publications in the national newspaper under the caption “Raj Singh Insurance Brokers renews DCB 20/20 Over-40 sponsorship”, this must be the most callous, if not a total disrespect for the people of Guyana, the laws and the Supreme Court.
I call on my President David Arthur Granger, Minister Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, Minister Nicolette Henry, Attorney General Basil Williams and Director of Sport Christopher Jones to subpoena Mr Raj Singh immediately and let him say who the executives of the Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) are.
It is on public record that the PPP/C government unflinchingly supported Raj Singh and his Comrades as was publicly expressed by their Executive Committee Member Neil Kumar even though they knew that Raj Singh et al have been blocked by the High Court.
High Court orders action numbers 2011 No. 59 W, 2013-HC-DEM-CIV–W-26 and 2014-HC-DEM-W-492 undoubtedly barred Rajendra ‘Raj’ Singh, Lalta Digamber, Anand Sanasie, Alfred Mentore, Anand Kalladeen, Rabindranauth Persaud, Ronald Sarjoo, Nazimul Drepaul, Colin Europe, Ray Persaud, Krishnchand Mangal, Chetram Singh, Lionel Jaikarran, Ramsey Ali, Fizul Bacchus, Drubahadur, Troy Mendonca, Melinda Bishundyal and Rayon Griffith from holding themselves out to be office- bearers of the DCB. This Order of Court is still in force.
What is incredible is that these orders are often being breached with impunity to the extent that Lalta Digamber, posing as the purported secretary of the DCB in a High Court application (2014-HC-DEM-CIV-CM-106), sought and obtained a Court Order from the former Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang to stop all elections even though he was never elected to that position and is wholly aware of the above orders.
This nonsense has been going on for too long and as a new government, something must be done. Raj Singh must tell President Granger and the people of Guyana who are the executives of the DCB, when were they elected and by whom since the majority of the DCB membership do not know.
The DCB consists of five (5) members of which the three (3) members that produced all the cricketers for Demerara are being disregarded – the Georgetown Cricket Association, the East Coast Cricket Board and the Upper Demerara Cricket Association. This masquerading and scamming is now in its 6th year and for the sole reason, to secretly acquire a quorum when there are AGMs, OGMs and elections of the Guyana Cricket Board. The DCB is a national institution and so why must this new Government allow this unlawful/undemocratic/immoral act to continue?
The new Government is steadfast in launching several investigations involving SARU, SOCU and CANU through their relevant ministries which is very commendable, but where are the Minister and his Ministry of Sport? Or is it that cricket for which over the years has united our people through social cohesion, created numerous employment and now a huge business is being treated as something unimportant and insignificant? The law is the law and must be respected at all times, so I ask the question, why is it that the majority of the constituent members of the DCB as enshrined in the Cricket Administration Act are being sequestered by persons without locus standi?
I therefore call on my President, David Arthur Granger to intervene and Mr. Raj Singh must let the public know whom he is sponsoring since he is fully aware of all the High Court’s instructions. This nasty charade must come to an end and justice must prevail without delay. The penitentiaries of Guyana must not be seen as inconsequential.
The Attorney General Mr Basil Williams and the Minister of Sport Dr Rupert Roopnaraine must aggressively and appropriately represent the people of this country and so the Court Order preventing all elections indefinitely must be challenged without interruption as the very two (2) ministers are the defendants in the matter. Thereafter free, fair and transparent elections of the Guyana Cricket Board and its membership must be held as prescribed by law.
I do hope that the well-respected Cricket Ombudsman Hon. Dr Winston McGowan is paying keen attention to the deceit, the illegalities, the irregularities and the injustices that are be foisted upon the people of Guyana.”

Yours faithfully
Winston G. Boston

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