IN a mass of confusion today, representatives of the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) who were protesting the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) received a backlash, as workers turned the heat on them.
As they made an attempt to attain justice for workers of the M&CC they represent, Union representatives were left bewildered, as the workers turned out in their numbers with their own motive to signal their dissatisfaction with the GLU.
The workers counter-protested the Union stating that for years their plea for betterment has gone unheard. Thus, they highlighted that it is time the Union is refreshed and new faces are installed to fight for their justice.
Workers lamented that President of the GLU Carvil Ducan has too many responsibilities and cannot pay keen interest to matters which affect workers who are registered under the Union.
Although the union was protesting for a meeting with the Town Clerk to discuss and address matters affecting the workers; the workers did not find any interest in it, declaring that they were tired of “false” meetings being held.
An official from the Union, Irma Glenn disclosed that they are protesting for the rights of the workers.
“We have always been working towards the betterment of the workers we represent and of recent we have been obstructed for some strange reasons, from meeting with the Town Clerk.”
Glenn finds it surprising that the workers are going against them, despite the union’s efforts to get them justice.
Nevertheless, she gave the assurance that the union will continue to work for the betterment of the workers, and if they are not pleased with the satisfaction given, they can vote for new heads of the union in the future. [Navendra Seoraj]