GTT IS onboard with the Jubilee Children’s Costume Parade set for Saturday, February 20.

The company under its new “DOMORE” brand on Tuesday unveiled its partnership with the Ministry of Education to host this year’s Children Costume Parade.
Marketing Manager Anjanie Hackett presented a sponsorship cheque of $4M to Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Ms Delma Nedd at GTT’s Brickdam Head office.
Ms Hackett said GTT is excited to be part of this year’s celebrations, especially since it forms part of the Jubilee celebrations.
The lead band in the costume parade will have 62 revelers from St Sidwell’s and Enterprise Primary Schools, decked out in bright, vibrant artistic costumes created by Derek Moore under the theme “Spectrum: Generation Next.”
The theme is very topical since the telephone company is looking forward to the granting of spectrum to offer 3G/4G network service to its customers. This will be creatively depicted by the lead Queen Costume and the individual costumes.
According to a release, more than 3,000 students from the 11 education districts are expected to participate in this year’s parade.
Ms Nedd expressed gratitude to GTT for being onboard with the parade for the 6th year and promised that it will be a fun, exciting and colourful event that parents and children can look forward to.