Baby sexually molested …man, wife arrested

A 17-month-old baby from Corentyne, Berbice was allgedly, on Sunday, sexually molested by a neighbour whose house she frequented. The man, a father of three, was arrested by police on Sunday after the mother of the child collected her and noticed that she was bleeding from her vagina.
Word is that the child’s mother, who lives a house away from where the incident allegedely occurred, heard her cry out, and went over to collect her.
She said when she reached the house, the suspect’s wife was bathing the baby and told her the child had fallen down.
The child’s mother said that for a while now, the baby would usually spend time with the neighbours, and that almost every day they would come to collect her but she would not go every day. She noted that the suspect’s wife would usually take care of the baby while she was over by them.
“Yesterday morning,” the child’s mother said, “the uncle pass and call for she; he say he buy a lollipop for her. She went over because I know the lady would keep her.
“The lady (name given) tell me like this baby playing tricks on she; that she fall down, and she see the baby was bleeding. “Me collect she and bring she home, and when me go fuh change she, I see she had plenty blood on her vagina.
“I get frighten and call my sister-in-law, and she said take her to the doctor.”
The young mother said, “When I reach the hospital, the doctor tell me the child was sexually molested; that someone put something inside the baby.”
She then went to the police station, and the suspect, along with his wife, was taken into police custody.
The man was reportedly under the influence of alcohol at the time of his arrest, and remains in custody.

In tears, the distraught mother said she trusted these people, and never thought this would happen to her child.
The Police in Berbice are investigating the incident.


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