THE Information Technology (IT) Department of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is now under investigation, and its head has been reassigned to another department within the municipality.A reliable source at M&CC told this newspaper yesterday that the IT Department was recently left unattended after its head decided to proceed on leave without permission. He reportedly took this decision despite knowing that his second-in-charge was also on leave.
The source also said that although the M&CC has been pumping millions of dollars into the IT Department, the quality of work coming out of that department leaves much to be desired.
“The department has not been functioning to the maximum. In 2016 though, it will be equipped with the right people,” the source proffered. Mr Waynewright Orderson has, for many years now, been heading that department.
Citizens should have long been able to access their rates and taxes’ records online, but even this is yet to be done, the source pointed out. “The situation is so bad that if a cashier is using the computer, no one else can go online at the same time.”
The IT Department has, in the past, been recipient of countless monetary and other grants, but questions about where all of the money goes are often left unanswered. Just recently, the Zara Group of Companies donated 10 desktop computers, valued at $700,000, to the IT Division. Town Clerk Royston King and staff were on hand to accept the donation from that company. The company had indicated its willingness to assist in rectifying the information technology issues at the M&CC, and had offered to assist the municipality to build a database that would be able to track property owners’ information.
Property owners, on the other hand, would be able to access information about their rates and taxes online.
In expressing gratitude, King had said that the computers would help to satisfy some of the information technology needs of the City Council.