Dear Editor,
I READ PPP General Secretary Rohee’s response to my letter, which was in itself a response to his public statement that the PPP/C had not been invited to participate in the preparation for, and celebration of, the 50th Jubilee.
In all that he has said, there is no refutation that an invitation was sent, and that there has been no response. He seeks to claim that he never received such an invitation, but I never claimed to have sent one to him. He built a straw house, demolished it, then attributed its existence to me.
The letter was sent to the Leader of the Opposition, albeit to Freedom House, where it was received and signed for. In his press conference, his reference was not to ‘him’ not being in receipt of an invitation; it was to ‘them’ — presumably the PPP/C, the Opposition — not being invited. He failed to prove that the letter was not sent, but implicitly acknowledged that there was no response.
In similar vein, he acknowledged that the letter regarding the UG Council, which was also addressed to the Leader of the Opposition and delivered to Freedom House, had been acted upon, while callously stating that “If that decision was not communicated to the relevant authority, well that’s another matter”. How competent!
In his opening salvo, Rohee talks about incompetence with a broad brush and not an iota of evidence. That’s another example of the “politricking” that I referred to in my previous letter.
In cricketing parlance, Rohee has spun, been stumped and bowled all over the place. He spun on the question of to whom the letter was addressed. He was stumped through the exposure of his spinning, and he was bowled all over the place. One time it is apparently incompetent to send a letter to the Leader of the Opposition thru Freedom House, but a similar letter was received and actioned, and a third letter, which was never addressed to him, has not been received by him, as if it was intended to be received by him.
There are no clarifications in Rohee’s letter, but the address of the Leader of the Opposition has been noted.
Rohee’s letter is an instructive lesson in Guyanese politics.
Yours sincerely