THE Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown (M&CC) have placed a temporary suspension of operations at the Merriman Mall between Orange Walk and Cummings Street, Bourda, from yesterday.The council said it observed that the area is very untidy, and said it is inconsistent with the vision to make Georgetown clean and green.
“The council has given the vendors who operate in the area a one-week ultimatum to put themselves in order before they can operate in the area,” a release from the M&CC has said.
The wholesale vendors who operate in this vicinity had been invited to a meeting with the Clerk of Markets, the Mayor and the Town Clerk. It was agreed that the area would be transformed so that it can be clean and attractive. The vendors agreed that all stalls would be of one colour and size for uniformity. Also, at the meeting, the vendors had asked that adequate lighting, toilet facilities and security be provided.
Town Clerk Royston King said the vendors must comply with decisions of council. The municipality is in the process of rehabilitating all of it facilities; therefore, some persons may suffer temporary inconvenience, but the end result would be beneficial to all.