The issue of the value of human life as regards the shooting to death of criminals continues to be a major discussion online. Following the killing of the two robbers in South Ruimveldt, President Granger called for more criminal arrests rather than killings. Yet, there remain a large number of people who oppose the thought of saving human lives if said lives have been focused on committing heinous crimes. On the other hand, some feel that this ideology surpasses the somewhat archaic practice of an eye for an eye- or a life for a life. Persons who share the President’s view pose questions such as: What of those who haven’t murdered? Kill them still? Where does the boundary lie? Who gets to decide? Too many questions… too little time.
When I grow up, I want to be just like Bharat Jagdeo, who seems to be impervious to culpability despite blatant wrongdoings meted out in his past. Following the announcement that a criminal charge made against Jagdeo for allegedly making racially disruptive remarks during the 2015 election campaign has been thrown out, the public was thrown into a fit of rage. Their comments accused the decision makers of this case of being in the pockets of the PPP. Seems like the PPP has huge pockets, others are saying, because they are still waiting for the other guilty individuals of the party to be called out for other crimes as well. Jagdeo is clearly the political Houdini of Guyana. How does he do it? We may never know. Where is Christopher Ram?
Drama Festival?
Meanwhile, the probe into Jennifer Westford’s alleged fraud continues to unfold slothfully and dramatically with clumsy back and forth between the DPP and the police. Lots of shares occurred with this post today and some are calling it a drama festival while the real criminals roam free and claim to retain their credibility (see above).
Some citizens are upset at the news of the million dollar renovations occurring at the Prime Minister’s Residence. “Wasting money” and “filling pockets” are some of the terms being thrown around as regards this move, yet, some seem to forget that the renovations will benefit whoever occupies the position rather than the particular party in power. Added to the fact that the structure is a historic building, I fail to see the injustice being served. But, who am I to wonder?