Dear Editor,
THE recent discussion that took place pertaining to the fees to be charged for the use of the Anna Regina Car Park were, of course, very interesting, and deserve the space and time given in the printed and electronic media.First, I must say that the Town Council is deserving of praise and commendation for a car park that is well constructed and is serving the people well; but, in the same breath, I will say any new fees or increase of fees for any services provided by any agency or ministry or association or company, particularly in Region Two, will be ill-advised.
During my seven consecutive years as Regional Democratic Councillor representing the Alliance For Change (AFC), I also served as a member of the Local Government Committee, the Agriculture and Works Committee, and the Land Selection Committee, and the issue of appraisal and reappraisal of buildings and properties was discussed extensively. The subject of non-payment for cultivated areas did not escape our attention; it was always kept as an agenda item at all meetings.
We have to acknowledge that the municipality and R.D.C. have the responsibility of building and maintaining structures, streets, playgrounds, car parks; not forgetting cemeteries and the collection of garbage, and to ensure that a healthy environment is created; and to do so, the municipality must have a solid or strong revenue base. While I subscribe to the view that anything that is worth having is worth paying for, I strongly believe that there are times when subsidies must be considered, and my comments are not only directed to the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils and the Municipality in Region # 2, but across the country.
There are many areas where the N.D.S in Region Two and the Anna Regina Town Council can look to, or target, to significantly increase its revenue base in order to provide the required services the people deserve — those very people who would have elected them. Many people would be surprised, especially those who are not rice farmers, that the N.D.C and Town Council would have allowed, by commission or omission, themselves to be owed more than $150M, from which they would have retained 17 percent when they were the collecting agency for the Drainage and Irrigation Board.
My understanding is that the Anna Regina Town Council is owed more than $100M by rice farmers for cultivated areas. It is also beyond the comprehension of any reasonable thinking person as to why, for more than 15 years, no appraisal of more than a thousand new and renovated buildings — including banks, supermarket and other business places — was done. The N.D.C. and the Town Council would have collected millions of dollars more. The non-payment of cultivated areas (farmlands) and rates and taxes are only two areas where the Local Government bodies should be pursuing aggressively, and not the drivers using the car park — be it Anna Regina, Charity or elsewhere — when they all should know that any addition fees would be passed on to the commuters.
Region Two economy is agriculture-driven by mainly the rice industry, upon which more than eighty percent of its residents depend heavily — directly or indirectly. That industry is currently taking a battering, (don’t ask we why or who is the person or persons responsible for this sad state of affairs) but while we are seeing that bright light at the end of the tunnel, it is some distance away.
The timing of the proposal is misguided, and, if implemented, must be vigorously rejected by the people, not only the hire car and minibus owners and drivers.
The R.D.C., the Works and Agriculture Ministries, the Local Government Ministry and the Land Selection Committee must also reject this proposal; but because of the composition of the R.D.C, the highest decision-making body of the Region, it was twelve from the ruling party, the P.P.P, and five from the then opposition benches. The five PPP councillors, with the exception of one councillor from the then ruling party, would vote against any motion for strong action to be taken against delinquent rate payers, and to have a reappraisal and appraisal done in Region Two.
I knew that it was because of political consideration, because the majority of people that would have been made to face the consequence of their action of not paying were supporters of the then ruling party the (PPP.).
I was born raised in a rice cultivating area, and I am still living there. Myy father was a rice farmer, so I have appreciation for the hard work and risks the farmers are doing and taking, but farmers must pay their dues like any other citizen. I am convinced that ninety percent of the rice farmers who have for years been delinquent did not pay even when the industry was doing well, but by their lifestyle indicated they could have afforded to pay. So now for any N.D.C. and the Town Council to implement any new fee for car park or any other facility, knowing that commuters, consumers and spectators or patrons, will bear the brunt of these fees, which they can ill afford at this time. They, the members of the NDCs and Municipality, will fit the description of being uncaring and not worthy of being members of that body. It’s an idea that should never have been conceived, much less discussed and implemented.
Archie W. Cordis
Former A.F.C. Councilor
R.D.C. Region 2.