Ariana Gordon – Chief Reporter
“THE Chronicle has been in existence for many years, and has always been diligently focused on being the standard bearer of journalistic excellence in Guyana. Throughout its storied history, the paper has experienced the highs and lows which are part and parcel of being a newspaper. In the more recent past, it has had to face the unprecedented challenge of being a news “paper” in the digital age. Although we continue to weather the storm, we are clearly in the throes of an existential battle – the outcome of which will determine not whether – but rather how soon – this rich history will come to an end.
As we pick through the process of internal reorganisation, and attempt to develop the managerial and journalistic synergies that are crucial to our success, we are also changing our masthead to more adequately reflect our new sense of mission. This is a more than symbolic change, and it is aimed at generating a visual representation of the new energy and forward thrust of our paper.
So both in print, and in our electronic format, you can look forward to not only a change in graphics, but also a new focus on quality, timeliness and a re-commitment to the core standards of journalism.
This is a symbol of our renewed commitment to you, our constituents. It’s a representation of a handshake agreement between you and YOUR paper.”
Rawle Toney – Senior Sport Reporter
“I THINK rebranding the Guyana Chronicle is critical at this point, especially with some of the new and innovative proposed changes.
The changes will definitely spark a renewed interest in the newspaper and I applaud the new board and Editor-in-Chief Nigel Williams for wanting to make the Guyana Chronicle more than just a ‘daily read’. I, just like the rest of the nation, am excited about the new-look Guyana Chronicle.”
Leroy Smith- Senior Crime Reporter
“THE rebranding of the Guyana Chronicle to my mind is a welcome move given our quest to truly represent what a national newspaper is all about, inclusivity.
My advocacy has always been to increase the sales of this newspaper which by far stands out compared to other dailies and as we have our own flavor, I have every confidence that our new repositioning will achieve this objective.
I wish to commend the board of directors and all those who had a part to play in the rebranding, including my colleagues who work so hard to put out this fine product today.”
Rabindra Rooplall – Senior Reporter
“NO matter what a new blog or digital media outlet does, it is still utilising the news reporting methods developed by the newspaper industry. As such, the rebranding of the Guyana Chronicle is essential to stray away from its image as a political propaganda outlet to a news outfit that takes up the mantle of preserving good journalism and reporting by offering quality content and an historic product that has the interest of the citizenry at heart. As a member of the editorial team we don’t just print words, we believe in them. We support a cause or a policy through conviction, not just self-interest. We are passionate about setting the news in a professional agenda.”
Ravin Singh – Reporter
“GIVEN the perception of the Guyana Chronicle over the last decade due to its perceived role as a political tool, I personally think the idea to rebrand is a much welcomed move, which is sure to spark renewed interest in what the newspaper has to offer. Although rebranding is but just a mere artistic concept, it is imperative that the term rebranding be applied to content of the paper as well.
Shirley Thomas – Freelance Journalist
“THE rebranding of the Guyana Chronicle comes as a welcome move. In a world driven by competitiveness, innovation and ‘thinking outside the box’ are but crucial launching pads needed to give that jolt in one’s thrust for success.
With exciting features; better quality production of Ads; brain-teasing crosswords and other novelties, our readers can be assured of a paper that makes for interesting reading, fun and excitement as we seek to deliver our mandate to inform and educate our readers in a truly entertaining way.”
Clestine Juan – Reporter
“THE story of the Guyana Chronicle has been one of change. The face-lift to its out dated past, however keeping with up with the modernised era which will boost sales and circulation of our papers to target our readers whether members of a particular ethnic, racial, or religious group; a political party; or society’s most elite as we aim to inform, interpret and entertain and to showcase GUYANA.”
Svetlana Marshall – Senior Reporter
“OVER the years,the Guyana Chronicle has received many criticisms not because of its physical appearance, but due to its content which was highly politicised, in other words, driven by politics and so I think the regular man in the street felt somewhat neglected in the area of news. Today’s rebranding does not only include a new masthead, but creative stories, columns and features that are centred around the people, the masses and not a selected few. I think this change means well for the newspaper, and I must applaud the brainchild of this decision.”
Shauna Jemmott – Reporter
AS a Reporter attached to the Guyana National Newspapers Limited, I am thankful for, and pleased to be associated with, the new product.The Guyana Chronicle has for long been used as a tool for political propaganda, and as such has suffered significantly, losing the trust of the Guyanese public. As a state-owned newspaper it has the capability of ranking high on the media market, and with the liberty to stand as a media entity without the political manipulation to which it once fell prey, we can make it happen again! With the change of content, which I believe is the main product within the product, I am proud to contribute to the unfolding – The New Guyana Chronicle.
Congratulations to the new Board of Directors, Management and staff of GNNL on presenting a re-branded Guyana Chronicle, which I am confident will again become Guyana’s most widely circulated newspaper.