Guyana Chronicle rebranding
GNNL Chair Jean La Rose
GNNL Chair Jean La Rose

Message from Jean La Rose, Chairperson, GNNL

THE Guyana Chronicle, “The nation’s paper”, is a national institution. Our archives will attest to this. The Chronicle, like Kaieteur Falls, like the jaguar, like greenheart, like pepperpot, like El Dorado rum, like the Harpy eagle, is synonymous with Guyana.

For some time, however, in the recent and not-so-recent past, this iconic institution was led down some dark paths, losing its credibility and respect.

Today we embark on a new thrust – a thrust that would truly restore the respected image the Chronicle once held.

For the new Board of Directors of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited(GNNL),the restoration of this iconic national institution is a key priority.

One of the first discussions the new Board of Directors of the GNNL held was about the tarnished image of the Chronicle.

Our almost immediate agreement was that the once well respected Chronicle had lost significant market share and credibility – the feedback from readers and vendors and free-falling circulation numbers were more than adequate evidence.

From a personal background, once being an avid young reader, I became discouraged, older non-reader of the paper as the partisan and biased coverage became difficult to digest.

I was often the subject of misinformation and untruths because of my work in trying to represent the true situation of our indigenous peoples.

Regrettably, the mandate of the Chronicle had shifted from serving the nation as a newspaper of good repute to one of promoting misinformation, division and discord.

The Chronicle had become a propaganda tool used to attack those in the political opposition and anyone else who dared to share a different view to the former administration.

The new Guyana Chronicle will engage in no such conduct and will not be used for partisan political or other interests. The paper will truly revert to being the nation’s paper.

The rebranding of the Guyana Chronicle is not a mere cosmetic exercise or a public relations stunt. It represents a fundamental shift in the philosophy of the newspaper. The Chronicle must be inclusive – it must serve the people – all the people of Guyana. The newspaper must report fairly and accurately in the interest of the citizens without partisan political, ethnic, religious, gender or any other bias.

It must cater to the needs of the nation as a whole, because the Chronicle is the State’s newspaper and must broadly serve all the people of the State regardless of orientation, choice and conviction.

I salute the management and staff of the Chronicle, particularly those who have experienced tough times in recent years yet have shown resolve and dedication in staying.

To the new ones on board, welcome. We have already taken steps to strengthen the editorial department and starting today readers will be treated to an eclectic mix of columnists who will present diverse views on a host of issues of interest to the people of Guyana, here at home and abroad.

We are committed to ensuring better working conditions and a more comfortable and independent atmosphere. From receptionist to reporter to pressmen, the Board of Directors has made workers’ welfare a top priority.

I thank the Directors of the Board, the Editor in Chief and his editorial team, the management and all of those persons who have worked tirelessly to have made this rebranding possible. This is but a start – there is much more to come.

Today is a new day for the Guyana Chronicle. It is another of the many historic days in the long and gloried history of the Chronicle and its precursor the Guiana Graphic.

It is the signal start of the process of change and the Board of Directors is committed to initiating and leading this change, to restoring the Guyana Chronicle as the national institution that it is, as the most credible newspaper in Guyana.

We ask you, the public to join us in this journey of restoration and redemption. The Guyana Chronicle has returned to being The Nation’s Paper, your newspaper of repute and record.

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