Some people believe that it takes rocket science to prepare some great tasting Guyanese dhal. But they may be surprised to see how much a little effort and a good recipe can accomplish! This recipe was provided by housewife Indira Singh, who has been cooking dhal for many, many years now. Take it from her that the following simple steps are all that is needed for a great dhal.

To spice things up a little, especially for those who would like to try something different, we have included a ‘bunjal dhal’ recipe which we believe is not so popular but tastes great as well. Curry is added to this method of preparation. The recipe was provided by Reshma Ramnarine who has worked in the food business for several years.
1: Typical Guyanese Preparation Method
Split Peas
Geera (whole grain preferably)
Preparation Method
1. Pressure split peas for about 20 minutes.
2. Open pressure pot periodically to check on peas. Ensure peas are soft and mashed; a ‘dhal ghotni’ can be used to help with this
3. Add water to bring to the thickness/thinness you prefer. (Most people prefer their dhal thin)

4. Add salt, pepper, eschallot , celery, (agi if desired)
5. Leave to boil for about ten minutes
6. Cut up garlic (better in small square blocks), place in a ‘dhal dabu’ with a little oil and put over the fire to fry. When garlic becomes golden brown, add in some whole-grain geera, leave for a minute more
7. Finally, throw over garlic and geera into dhal and cover down. Leave for a few more minutes.
Method 2: Bunjal Dhal
Split Peas
Geera (whole grain preferably)
Curry Powder
Preparation Method:
1. Hot some oil in ‘carahi’
2. Add curry powder, masala, geera, split peas, salt, pepper, garlic
3. Place in pressure pot. Add water to bring to the thickness/thinness you prefer. (Most people prefer their dhal thin)
4. Leave for about 20 minutes or until split peas is soft and mashed. A ‘dhal ghotni’ can be used to help with this.
Nutritional Value
By following these simple steps, you can make your way to some great tasting dhal that typically complements curry, calalu, ochroes, salt fish, bunjal shrimp, and a whole list of other foods. Some people simply enjoy drinking a cup of dhal.
Apart from its great taste, though, split peas have also been known for its health benefits. For example, it is said that split peas can help those who are worried about their cholesterol level. “Full of soluble fiber, peas help to bind up cholesterol-containing bile and move it out of your body. This can help with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis,” one online site is quoted as reporting. (
Furthermore, a single cup of cooked dried peas in your daily diet reportedly provides 65.1% of the recommended daily fiber. They also provide a good amount of protein, two B-vitamins, and several important minerals. Peas also include isoflavones, which are helpful in reducing the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
“If you are diabetic, or have it in your family, split peas can be your best friend. Peas help stabilize your blood sugar levels while providing a steady supply of energy. Studies have shown that type 2 diabetics who eat at least 50 grams of fiber per day can lower their cholesterol, their triglycerides, and the VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) by a considerable amount,” the site also pointed out.
Peas can also reduce the amount of plaque in your blood vessels and help your heart remain healthy. “If you are sensitive to sulfites, which are added to most deli foods and salad bars, the mineral molybdenum will help you detoxify them. Peas can provide you with almost twice the recommended daily allowance of this mineral from a single 1-cup serving. Signs of sulfite sensitivity may include rapid heartbeat, headache, or disorientation.”