The judicial system is in dire straits

Dear Editor,
THE judicial system is surely in a dire state, needing to be restructured and to receive a breath of fresh air of justice to benefit those aggrieved and waiting long periods of time for their matter to be addressed.

Here, I welcome the new government, and hope lots of changes are made.
I am an overseas-resident, having a civil appeal pending since 2011. The reason for the delay, I have been told umpteen times when I visit, is that the notes of evidence of the judge -– Justice Rishi Persaud — are yet to be submitted and typed for a go-ahead.

I continuously keep checking with the Registrar, Court of Appeal, on the status every time I visit, but I hear one thing over and over: “The judge’s notes of evidence (are) still waiting to be produced and typed.”

It is understood that every time the judge is asked to produce his notes of evidence, which his handwriting is very difficult to understand, he pays this request no heed.

In frustration, I went to the Ombudsman for assistance, and he informed me that he has no jurisdiction in court matters, but when he assisted in making inquiries of the matter, the same ‘old excuse’ was related to him.

Why should a judge’s notes of evidence take so long to be produced?

With this letter, I hope the new minister looks into this matter and that many people like myself will receive action in their matter after waiting for so long.
Frustrated Plaintiff

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