REPRESENTATIVES of communications giant Digicel Guyana visited the Diamond Primary (Deaf Class) in Region 4, the New Amsterdam Special School in Region 6, the Linden Special School in Region 10, and the Tuschen Deaf School in Region 3 on September 23, 2015 in recognition of Deaf Awareness Week.The objective of those visits was to lend support to those organisations during Deaf Awareness Week, observed during the period September 20-26, and the visits resulted in each of those four

schools being given a specially designated area to accommodate deaf students.
The schools visited all cater for deaf students in one way or another, and most of them have deaf classrooms with dedicated teachers.
Special needs is an area on which Digicel believes great emphasis should be placed, and, as a corporate entity, the company is committed to leading in this venture; thus, it would be supporting this cause continually.
During the visit, Digicel Guyana interacted with the pupils and gave students tokens as gifts. (Michel Outridge)
Photos saved in a file in Graphics Reporters as Tuschen Deaf School and Linden Special School Deaf Class.