Free and Easy gets potable water for very first time –over 40 households to benefit
Minister Keith Scott during his meeting last month with residents of Free and Easy
Minister Keith Scott during his meeting last month with residents of Free and Easy

RESIDENTS of Free and Easy, a tiny village on the West Bank Demerara, are about to access potable water for the very first time, thanks to the timely intervention of Minister within the Ministry of Communities Keith Scott.According to the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), the project, which cost it some $10M to implement, should be finished in another week, and see more than 40 households having access to the service.
The matter of the village not having potable water was raised by residents last month with Minister Scott, who, after hearing them out, conceded that such a situation was unacceptable.
To the minister’s credit, he not only committed to having the service installed, but also promised to personally pursue the project to the very end.
Infrastructural works, including the installation of pipe lines, and distribution and transmission mains, GWI said in a release yesterday, commenced late last month, and that the entire network, consisting of in excess of 6000 feet of pipelines, will be completed within one (1) week.
All the company asks, GWI Executive Director of Operations Joseph Codette said, is that new customers ensure they are registered at its Pouderoyen Customer Services office in order to receive new service connections.



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