Berbice Bridge contract abominable

Dear Editor
I read with utter dismay to quote the words of the Minister of State on behalf of the Government,” The Government will not be able to assist those attempting to cross the river using their own vehicles since the current contract with the Bridge Company prohibits the use of vessels for the crossing of vehicles, we don’t want to send the wrong message to investors”.
Mr. Editor this is an abominable contract that needs revisiting forth with. Is the government willing to spend the wrong message to the populaces and more particularly to the Berbicians, that, “we are in no position to help you?” we as a citizenry are hearing of a;; the various wrongs as heighted even before the APNU& AFC took governmental office with more revelations on their coming into office. It is time being righting the wrongs. Let justice prevail, noting else would be accepted.
Governments are there to humanely oversee the affairs of the people not to highlight wrongs and tell us we can’t do anything about it. If this government makes open and righteous deals and contracts in the interest of all, investors cannot be scared away. Only the selfish are scared away who want everything for themselves and the poor, hapless people be used to promote their personal aggrandizement, gain and satisfaction. In other words matter of abominable affairs, we hear of hundreds involved in gold smuggling, foreign investors illegal involvements. Are we to hear the government can’t do anything about it? Why all the forensic audits, commission of inquiry and commission to retrieve stolen wealth, is all this a sham and waste of money? Justice must not just be perceived to be done. Let Justice be done, Let the evil forces in the nation be brought to nothing, Let God be glorified and Let Guyana and Guyanese progress.
Yours Apostle
Rev. O’ Brien Welch

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