57-yr-old man found guilty of having sex with child – gets seven-year sentence

KENRICK Morrison, a father of two, was on Thursday sentenced to seven years in jail after a jury at the Demerara Assizes found him guilty of ‘having sexual activity with a child under 16 years.’The trial was held in-camera, and Justice Jo-Ann Barlow who imposed the sentence, condemned the behaviour of the accused who,she said, was expected to set a good example to others.

In a plea for mitigation, defence lawyer A. Griffith begged the court for leniency, pointing out that it was his client’s first brush with the law and asked the judge to temper justice with mercy.

Directing her remarks to the accused, the judge told him that for having sexual activity with the child under 16 years, he would serve seven years imprisonment.

She expressed expectation that the sentence would serve as a deterrent to persons who may commit similar offences.
The jury took less than two hours to reach their unanimous verdict of guilty. Counsels Mr. Michael Shahoud and Miss Narissa Leander conducted the case for the prosecution.

The father of two took the sentence calmly.
By George Barclay


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