THE Guyana Police Force has disclosed that five more drivers have been charged for drunk driving, as its Traffic Department continues with enforcement activities.The Police, in a statement yesterday, said the following persons have been charged for driving under the influence of alcohol.
* RAMESHWAR CHAN of Lot 16 Rotter Dam, East Bank Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2015-07-16 while driving motor vehicle HB 7108 on Main Street, New Amsterdam. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the New Amsterdam Magistrate Court on 2015-07-20 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500

* DEVON REECE of Lot 126 Akawani Street, C/Ville, Georgetown, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2015-07-24 while driving motor vehicle PKK 7197 on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate Court on 2015-07-30 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500

* SHALIMAR SMITH of Lot 23 Scottsburg, Corriverton, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2015-07-23 while driving motor cycle CF 4404 on the Number 79 Public Road, Berbice. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Springlands Magistrate Court on 2015-07-23 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500

* MOHAMED ALLY of 133 Line Path, Corriverton, Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2015-07-19 while driving motor vehicle PKK 5333 on the Number 79 Public Road, Corriverton. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Springlands Magistrate Court on 2015-07-20 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500

* CLOVIS HUNTE of Lot 10 Grant 1806, Crab Wood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice, was stopped and tested with a breathalyzer on 2015-07-18 while driving motor cycle CF 2434 on the Crab Wood Creek Public Road. He was found to be above the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol. He was charged and appeared at the Springlands Magistrate Court on 2015-07-20 where he pleaded ‘guilty’ and was fined $7,500

The Police Force, through its ‘name and shame campaign’, has charged a number of persons in recent times, several of them from Berbice, and placed them before the courts for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) after they were found to be above the legal limit in terms of alcohol consumption.