DESCRIBING the rice industry as the most important agricultural industry in Guyana, Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder placed it ahead of sugar in terms of foreign-exchange earnings.
He explained that more than 40,000 people directly depend on the rice industry for their livelihoods; thus, in terms of food security, the sector has helped to secure Guyana’s status as a food-secure country. He also spoke of Government’s intention to further accelerate production/productivity, “with an emphasis on reducing cost of production.”
Minister Holder noted that over the years, rice has excelled in its production, moving from 298,125 metric tonnes in 2007 to 635,238 in 2014. “This represents a 113% increase in production,” he said.
Notwithstanding the increase, the minister said there are some major challenges that need to be addressed including drying, storage and marketing, which play a key role in the survival of the industry; compliance by millers; improving varieties to enhance productivity; good agricultural practices; energy-efficient management at rice mills; and value-added production.
For the minister, the real story of development remains investment in the nation’s citizens. He said the implementation of a rice-marketing plan, improving productivity, improving operational efficiency in rice mills and the development of value-added products for which markets exist, would be pursued.
Despite the challenges, Minister Holder indicated that a record 360,325 metric tonnes in the spring crop of 2015 was produced, while 326,278 was exported. He pledged his ministry’s continuing support in exploring additional markets for rice.
The rice industry supports at least 10 percent of Guyana’s population directly, and is the major source of incomes and employment in rural areas. The industry contributes approximately 61 percent of agricultural GDP and 21.3 percent of export earnings. It has also been described as the main staple of the population, with per capita consumption estimated at around 50kg.
Rice industry to be boosted by moves to reduce production costs – Agri. Minister Holder