FINANCE Minister Winston Jordan took to the floor of the National Assembly on Thursday to correct his June 26 statement to the House on Guyana’s external debt. “On Friday, June 26, 2015, I informed this honourable House that the External Public Debt had risen to US$1.6B, and that the Domestic Debt had also increased, though I did not state the figure,” Jordan recalled on Thursday.
He noted that after his return to Guyana on July 1 from the Ministerial Meeting of the Petro Caribe Agreement, “I was informed that the figure I quoted for the external debt was incorrect.
“I had the opportunity to recheck the numbers and [I] now inform this honourable House that it is the Public Debt, comprising the external debt, and the domestic, which stands at US$1.6B, and not the external debt,” the Finance Minister corrected.
According to Jordan, Guyana’s external debt currently stands at US$1.2B, and its domestic debt at US$0.4B or US$400M.