THE Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) has extended greetings and well wishes to all Guyanese and other CARICOM citizens as CARICOM Day 2015 is observed.
The union says that the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) — which now stretches from The Bahamas in the north to Guyana and Suriname in the south, and encompasses some 14 million people –demonstrates the growth and enduring fraternity we have experienced since its establishment. This institution, now in its forty-second (42nd) year, in our view continues to have a relevant and important role with respect to the integration of the Caribbean, and also to confront the several challenges that currently beset our Region and still others that threaten us.
“We are also of the view that two of CARICOM’s important pillars -– the free movement of people and unhindered trade among members -– at this time require more attention, as the meeting of the Heads of Government always provides an opportunity to explore, review, and make decisions to set up mechanisms to pursue the objectives of CARICOM,” GAWU has said in a statement.
The union also disclosed that with militarization and military adventures going on apace in the wider international arena, we cannot feel insulated from its consequences, or isolated from the schemes of certain countries.
“This day offers a timely reminder that, at the 2014 meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), an organisation in which CARICOM nations are members, there was the declaration for Latin America and the Caribbean to be a “Zone of Peace”.
In keeping with this sentiment it is implied and expected that disputes should be peacefully resolved, and dialogue and negotiations be the preferred tools to arrive at settlements of disputes between and among nations.
“Though we have many critical issues that require our collective attention and cooperation – security, economic, energy, climate, and yet others — GAWU looks at the tomorrows of our Region with optimism. Gradually, but surely, we are forging ahead; and all the while, essentially, we have stayed united while zealously safeguarding our democratic institutions and promoting democratic norms and practices, the union opined.