U.S. presses Guyana on same-sex marriage

IT baffles me after this election with many curious speculations about who is the real winner. We are now seeing the U.S. emissary to Guyana, Mr. Bryan Hunt, pressing Guyana to copy the U.S. to legalise same-sex marriages.

Same-sex marriages for this U.S. dignitary may be a human right, but it’s an abomination and violation of God’s laws from the Holy Scriptures and we will face some severe consequences from God Himself, just like Sodom & Gomorrah when God destroyed them completely because they broke the laws he had given to his prophet Moses.

Those who are clamouring to pass this evil gay rights bill are either gays and lesbians themselves or atheists who are trying to corrupt the morals of the world, including our country. We must not forget that the AIDS epidemic is an historical phenomenon of an American homosexual who carried this deadly virus into the world from Africa, because of his evil practice. AIDS is also carried by lesbians, heterosexuals and bisexuals all over the world.
To press our country Guyana to legalise this abomination upon our nation tells me clearly we may be an independent nation but we are still being controlled by modern American and British colonialism.
This country will not be destroyed by criminals, but it will be destroyed by those who watch evil take it over by diabolical, diplomatic individuals and do nothing about it.

We are living in the midst of a tremendous moral breakdown in our society; even heterosexuals and married couples are living in an open-marriage lifestyle of “free love” in all forms of sexual immorality, such as fornication and adultery, incest, bisexuality, prostitution, etc., that has destroyed the family values and moral principles of God’s words from the Holy Scriptures.
It’s very sad when innocent children are born into immoral families whose lives are destroyed by immoral parents by incest, rape and even murder.

Homosexuality and Lesbianism are sexual activities between persons of the same sex.
If this “Gay-Rights & Lesbian rights Bill” should be made mandatory, then it will re-define the laws of marriage between a man and a woman ordained by God our Creator, since the beginning of time.
It simply means two men or two women living in a gay or lesbian relationship can walk into any church from any religion and legally get married just like a man and woman.
What is marriage? Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God between a man and a woman; not between a man and a man, or woman and woman.
God is a God of order; he created the woman for the man so that a divine family union can be created to populate the world.
I asked those who wish to implement these laws if their father were married to a man and their mother was married to a woman, if they would have been in this world. They were unable to answer me.

When God created human beings, he made them male and female. The Bible account of creation establishes human beings as persons who possess a specific sexual identity. ”So God Created Man in his own image…male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)
”Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)
The scripture did not say a man shall be joined to a man or a woman to a woman. Man and woman were created by God for each other, their relationship is ordered by God. That is why a lesbian or a homosexual will never be able to give birth to a child. It was never in God’s plan to corrupt human beings, but we now have some impudent law-makers who are trying to violate God’s laws. I wish to God that we are not wiped out by a tsunami or earthquake should we angry the Lord our God whose wrath is beyond limits.

Homosexuality and lesbianism are all deviations from God’s created order.
They violate the basic sexual structure which God created. It is a perversion. It is against nature.

The Bible, as well as many other scriptures, classifies homosexual practice as sin. It is a violation of the will of God.
A simple reading of Genesis chapter 19 (about the two angels who paid a visit to Sodom and stayed in Lot’s home) indicates that sodomy is a great wickedness. God points to Sodom and Gomorrah homosexuality and lesbianism as an example of sexual immorality and destroys them by the vengeance of eternal fire.
We should ask ourselves many questions before even thinking to ever entertain such a Bill in Parliament. We should ask: Do we fear God? Do we believe in God? Do we believe in God’s Holy Scriptures? On whose authority are we trying to change or violate God’s divine and eternal laws? Are High Courts in the USA trying to be God? Or trying to change God’s Laws to corrupt the morals of this world?

The Bible says that to lie with a person of the same sex is an abomination.
In Leviticus 18:22, ”Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is an abomination.” Homosexuality is an insult against God. The Bible’s message offers hope to those who practise sodomy, but before one can be delivered-he/she must acknowledge his/her sin; they must honestly desire deliverance, they must want to do what is right in the sight of God. They can be cured by prayer and counseling, but they must have an intense desire to change that is a process of healing and deliverance from their vile lifestyles. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and change us from all unrighteousness.
Homosexuality is learned/inherited ancestral behaviour -what has been learned or inherited as a curse can be unlearned and broken by the power of prayer and divine guidance.
I have prayed and counselled many such people over the years as a Pastor/Reverend and have seen them changed completely.

In conclusion, the greatest error a nation can ever make is to implement laws into their legal system that will violate the laws of God, thus bringing curses and God’s judgment upon their nation.
I close with this interesting scripture: ”If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (11 Chronicles 7:14)

It’s my sincere hope that our President and all the other members of Parliament throw this homosexual bill into the garbage that’s administered to Guyana by the honourable Bryan Hunt, lest we invite more curses and judgments of God upon us. I am calling upon The Guyana Evangelical Association and all other religious organisations to remove this corrupt LGBT law from our nation. May God open our eyes to his divine truth.

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