YOUNG Keith Daniels had recently journeyed from an interior location where he worked as a miner to spend some time with his relatives at Public Road, Kitty, Georgetown; but he met a dreadful end when he was fatally stabbed multiple times by one of three men whilst with his brother in the passageway to his aunt’s residence, after an outing at the Kitty seawall on Sunday night.
The motive behind Keith’s life being savagely snuffed out has been given as robbery.

The victim’s brother, Neil Daniels, told the media that he and Keith had left home for the seawall at about 21:15 hrs on Sunday night, to spend some time liming; and as they were returning to their relative’s home, they saw three men in the passageway, but they did not attach any significance to the men’s presence.
He said that when they passed the group, one of the men called out to them by way of “Yo! Yo!” and his brother turned back. He was grabbed by the shirt and stabbed repeatedly as the men helped themselves to his cell phone and what cash he had on his person.
Neil said that when he saw what was happening, he ran home to get help, but by the time he returned with relatives, it was too late. Keith lay on the ground in a pool of his own blood. He was picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, but was pronounced dead on arrival.
It is strongly suspected that the robbers had trailed Keith and his brother from the seawall. The brothers are from the Yarakita River community in Region One, and because of the rainy weather they had suspended work in the hinterland to spend some time in the city.
A police press release said that at about 01:50 hrs on June 8, 2015, miner Keith Daniels, 18, of Public Road, Kitty Georgetown was walking along the public road when he was confronted by three men, one of whom stabbed him to the chest and they escaped.
Keith Daniels was taken to the GPHC, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.