FOR the longest while, it has been said that Guyana can be the ‘Bread basket of the Caribbean’.Along the way, many studies and initiatives have been taken, unfortunately, to no avail.
These have shown that there is a way; and I am convinced that the will is there.
So, why is it not happening?
Recently, there was the ADP (Agriculture Export Diversification Programme), which was to find export markets for quality products put in place, with the intention of achieving this objective and making the well-being of Guyanese farmers better.
Unfortunately, this programme failed miserably.
Three clusters were set up: Fruits and Vegetable, to be overlooked by NAREI (National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute); Livestock, to be overlooked by the GLDA (Guyana Livestock Development Authority); and Aquaculture, to be overlooked by the Satyadeo Sawh Aquaculture Centre.
If we were to add the rice, sugar and coconut industries, then one can safely say that the agricultural sector is covered. The rice industry is in a relatively good state.
There have been complaints from some farmers on price of paddy, in some cases justified.
In other cases, because of higher-yielding varieties and good husbandry practices, some farmers are earning 100% on their investments in six (6) months; not justified.
I honestly believe that the GRDB (Guyana Rice Development Board) has been doing a good job in research and paddy production. So good a job, that they have not been able to market all their excess production on a timely basis.
Guyana trades about 75% of its production, while only 4% of the world’s production is traded.
The sugar industry is a different kettle of fish and is in lots of trouble. But this industry must not be allowed to die, as too many Guyanese are dependent on it and because of the large amount of money recently invested in it.
Bearing in mind the state of the industry, its high cost of production, due to badly maintained factories, and poor husbandry practices in the fields, the options for this industry are:
Allow it to die, distribute the land among the present workers, and help them to be productive in other areas.
This is where another ADP can play a very pivotal role, i.e., encourage production of a quality product for a secure export market.
Privatise individual estates to different individuals.
Privatise the industry to one individual.
The Government should definitely not stay in control of this industry, as it will be a drain on much needed resources.
The coconut tree is now classified as ‘The Plant of Life’.
If this asset is properly utilised, then there will be lots of benefits to the economy.
For these initiatives to be successful, it is important that the following agencies:
NAREI; GLDA and the New GMC (New Guyana Marketing Corporation), which are all in place, must perform effectively.
The members of these boards should be knowledgeable, and committed to the development of Guyana.
Also, there must be a small independent group, to oversee these bodies, to make sure that they carry out their mandates.