TWENTY-NINE-YEAR-OLD Aaron Esuph, a labourer of Lot 828 Section ‘C’ Block ‘Y’ Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara, was yesterday remanded to prison by City Magistrate Annette Singh for attempting to commit a felony.He pleaded not guilty to the charge alleging that between May 13 and 14, at Lot 84 Section ‘A’ Block ‘Y’, Golden Grove, EBD, with intent to commit a felony, he attempted to break and enter the house of Khali Parasram.
Police prosecutor Aduni Innis told the court that, on May 13, the virtual complainant had secured his home, leaving everything intact; but on Thursday, 14 May, at about 19:25hrs, he was informed by his neighbour that someone was breaking into his house. Thus, acting on the information received, he alerted the Golden Grove Police Station, and ranks, on arrival at the scene, saw the defendant exiting the home through a hole in the western wall. The defendant was arrested and charged.
The matter was transferred to the Providence Magistrate’s Court for June 01.