DOCTORS at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) are battling to save the life of 18-year-old Rameshwar Samaroo of Hope Backdam, East Coast Demerara, who admitted to ingesting, on Monday, a dangerous substance, thought to be gramoxone.The incident is reported to have occurred sometime between 7:00hrs and 9:00hrs.
Rameshwar’s mother, Vidya Samaroo, said Rameshwar and his brother, Navin, would normally get up early in the morning and head down to the backdam to help their father, Dasraj, water plants and offer other assistance on the farm. But on Monday Rameshwar did not wait for his brother; he left on his own for the farm, riding his bicycle. After he had not been seen or heard from, his Navin decided to go down to the farm. There he was confronted with the ghastly sight of his brother lying on the ground vomiting up black stuff, rolling and groaning in pain.
Horrified, Navin tried to find out what Rameshwar had ingested, but the lad was too weak to even speak. Navin then placed his ailing brother on the bicycle and frantically took him back home.
His mother and two sisters, Bissoondai and Basmattie, became hysterical on learning what had happened to Rameshwar. The family rushed him to the GPHC, and he was immediately triaged and placed under treatment.
Yesterday he remained on treatment but was occasionally experiencing spasms, and was able only to mutter a few words in low tones.
Asked how much of the substance he had ingested, he could not say exactly, but agreed that he had taken much.
His mother said she was not aware that he was experiencing problems, or going through any experience to lead him to want to take his life. She was also unable to say whether he was experiencing any problems with his girlfriend, because he never confided in her or anyone else.
In his relatives’ estimation, his condition appeared to have improved yesterday, since the substance he was bringing up was considerably less, as well as lighter in colour. But he continued to suffer gripping pains on the inside.