IT is almost incomprehensible how the Opposition heaps negative connotations on various investors/investments – Bai Shan Lin (BSL), Sithe Global (SG), Marriott, etc., in various articles in a most insensitive manner with respect to the huge investments of these investor groups in Guyana.Maybe the “splitting and spreading” component is an attribute of their well-financed and staffed organisations. It could be replicated by Opposition groups in our society to boost production and jobs in a sustainable manner as opposed to a flash in the pan type strategy.
On the one hand with reference to (BSL, SG, Marriott, etc.), their denigration serves to sufficiently rile the Opposition’s constituents to a position of rejecting such investors with huge sums of capital and technological capacity to develop our national resources and create significant jobs for heavy equipment operators, mechanics, log truck operators, management staff and other recipients of cash flow generated from purchases of fuels, lubes, spare parts, ration, etc., here in Guyana.
Conversely, the Opposition just does not get it with regard to the enormity of such investments in light of great difficulty of accessing such quantum of capital in today’s worldwide economic environment and social upheaval rendering many countries inhospitable for investors. Or, is there a sharp disconnect with their understanding and acceptance of “big business” structures.
Very advanced nations in North America/Europe continue to attract and accept trillions of US$ for developmental works. Additionally, how does the Opposition reconcile such extreme and denigrating pronouncements “mimics the behaviour of a parasite” to their constituents “should?” the Opposition be catapulted to the reins of power in Guyana and the various investors continue their operations due to the sheer size of Guyanese employment/joint venture operations by the “parasitic companies”?
I daresay that many in their fold will express grave reservations and disappointment should such investors not be reined in/deal rescinded, but, should they be forced to terminate with resultant job losses, then the second shock reverberation of unemployment will also be felt in a more significant manner…intended/unintended consequences.
It is a relatively rare occurrence currently to access and consummate such deals totaling hundreds of millions of US$ today for national development. I think that a more cautious, conservative and politically hospitable approach is needed when addressing investors with such “high risk/large size capital” projects in order that we do not create an unfriendly investment environment (pre 1992) precluding future large scale capital inflows with enormously positive flow, cumulatively, for jobs, local logging stakeholders, gold mining expansion & upgrade, energy costs alleviation, better hotel accommodation, etc., with resultant positive cash flow to the national treasury. The overall structure may be somewhat rough around the edges currently and as such agreement(s) could be amended upon mutually acceptable negotiations, to be more inclusive for expanded Guyanese employment/joint venture deals and fast tracking of better value added product line factory development. Failure to achieve the scheduled milestones for the completion of local factories should have financial and/or other penalties activated automatically, with some “cure period leeway” of say 150 days. Consolidation and contraction within the national forest and gold mining resources businesses will always occur and as such many (inclusive of local wood and mining businesses) will lose traction as accepted in international circles when large scale business operations compete with smaller business entities with advanced/better funded business models for greater profits, more jobs, lower associated operating costs and global competitiveness.
With regard to extraction of our resources we can choose to go forward and generate tangible real time benefits, now, with great urgency for the working class people to elevate themselves, or to sit and “watchman” such resources as unrealised potential generation after impoverished generation. Let’s choose wisely!
As some “clever and not so wise” citizens proclaim: “gold, bauxite, timber, etc., doesn’t spoil” so if “they” don’t want to adhere to “our national terms and conditions” then we will keep it there. Of course these resources exist in economic quantities in many other countries, and furthermore, technological advancement is serving to bypass base minerals natural products with new and less costly man-made products.
In the gold mining industry our production projections targets increased ounces, each succeeding year, to boost profits and reduce/eliminate the significant debt load acquired by way of heavy equipment machinery/treatment plant purchases necessary for economic viability especially with significant reduction of gold prices coupled with declining local gold resources at near surface levels. I imagine that the forest producers and others would have a similar business model, within their maximum annual harvesting quantum by targeting production increases, not only for greater economic gain at lower costs but also to offset losses during cyclical commodity price downturns. This is how businesses are operated worldwide as the proven working model!
All across the world in enlightened developed and developing countries such resources are being extracted at frightening levels to support and maintain their ever expanding populations in (hopefully) an economically viable manner and for upgraded standards of living. Why should the Opposition seek to forestall the people’s development in such an unacceptable manner? I suppose by cross reference if the many fossil fuel producing nations (generating more than 80% of the world’s, most important, energy requirements) decided arbitrarily to withhold their all-important oil resources for future generations, then economic chaos and extreme job losses would reign supreme, at a bare minimum level, not to mention great social upheaval as national economies implode with sky high oil commodity prices in addition to other value added products generated from hydrocarbons.
Exploitation of natural resources should be paramount, at the highest level possible, to buy us all time and money to exist comfortably in the here and now whilst completing research and development (national and international) for advancement to the next viable and more profitable stages of development. International Energy businesses Research & Development (R & D) is surging forward to discover and develop new alternative energy resources to render fossil based fuels obsolete and remove the harm to the environment.
Various international renowned studies have determined that by 2060 the world’s fossil fuel proven reserves will be depleted and will no longer be economically viable to recover and distribute coupled with a projected worldwide population of 9 billion humans by 2050. Again, use it up or lose it and sit and talk about “what if” when the moment has passed us by. Development of new improved, less polluting, nuclear fission plants is moving fast apace (Soviet fast breeder nuclear fission power plants) and additionally, R & D for commercial nuclear fusion energy plants (endless power of the sun) can see commercial models by 2045 by earlier proclamations.
Fast forward…“Lockheed Martin’s” press release ( Oct. 16, 2014), University of Washington’s fusion reactor concept and the ITER fusion reactor in France, for the production of a compact working prototype indicating a time line of about five to ten years, or so.
Interestingly enough, coal (carbon, graphene) is now being developed to replace wood materials that are more efficient and less costly than wood as the burning of coal is phased out due to environmental dangers. The notion of using fossilised dead forests (coal form) to prevent the destruction of living forests and all that they hold is apt. Industry and Wall Street are beginning to gear up for a new materials future (Cabot Corp/Global Green Carbon) seeing coal as a non-burning resource driving the expansion of new carbon-based industries that will replace wood-based, metal-based and plastic-based products such as furniture, utility poles, home-construction materials, beams, ropes, industrial belts, car bodies, and a host of other products (Science Daily) – Forbes magazine (7/14/2013).
The capability of the current PPP/C Administration to conclude deals with the Chinese/North American/European corporations of this world, speaks volumes of their collective focus, wisdom and determination to rapidly develop Guyana’s primary and value added resources for the people’s development, NOW, with better paying jobs and opportunities.
On the flip side, some of us can sit around with idle chit chat with thoughts, words and projections for “future generations”. In the absence of fundamental concrete actions to garner foreign direct investments, we will continue to watch the world pass us by even as we suffered extreme economic devastation and deprivation with extreme negative GDP “growth” due to the inward-looking, state-led development model pursued in the 1970s and 1980s coupled with diminished hope and almost zero personal growth opportunities, during the period of the PNC Administration.
Interestingly, we note that the very same top players who sat in senior ministerial, administration and National Security Advisor positions of the PNC have returned emboldened by a treasury flush with dollars, cash flow, opportunity and credit worthiness to seek once again to plunder and destroy other people’s good works and sustained efforts.
Gold mining operator/investor