HTNTP Manifesto plans to improve standards in Region 4
HTNTP’s Presidential Candidate, Ras Leon Saul
HTNTP’s Presidential Candidate, Ras Leon Saul

THE Healing The Nation Theocracy Party (HTNTP) reeled out its Manifesto on Saturday last in preparation for contesting the Region 4 (Demerara/Mahaica) constituency in the May 11 General and Regional Elections.The party explained in a release that “This Manifesto – ‘MORE FOR REGION 4’, is being presented at a time when righteous servant leadership is needed to heal the nation of Guyana (and bring it) out of poverty – spiritual, mental, health, economic and moral.”

The release described the HTNTP’s vision for REGION 4 as an inclusionary approach to shared governance; a sound job creation; and an economic plan with social/moral redistribution policies.

“We demand a proper and well-applied central government budgetary subvention for Region 4, and will also help in closing the income inequality gap, (which) would lead to a total eradication of poverty in Region 4. This party’s theocratic philosophy is based on “servant governance” as part of the approach to “righteous government”, in line with the laws of the Almighty Creator – Yahweh (Jah),” the released declared.

HTNTP members say they intend to transform Region 4 into an economic powerhouse by means of visionary, creative economic strategies and actions, along with social and moral policies, plus the resuscitated Co-operative Movement as a main vehicle.

The release states: “We will work towards establishing a multicultural society of equal rights and justice spearheaded by the legalisation of marijuana and the rule of law…with Region 4 leading the way in job creation!
“The vision and plan of action are manifesting at a time when Guyana will be participating in the United Nations-sponsored “International Decade of People of African Descent”, with its focus on “Recognition, Justice and Development”.

“It also comes at a time when the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has mandated and agreed that a “Reparations Claim” will be presented to our former colonial rulers, including Great Britain and Holland, for redress; while CARICOM has also mandated the establishing of National Marijuana Commissions in member-states”.

The Guyana Chronicle highlighted some excerpts from the HTNTP Manifesto, which includes some things that party intends to tackle in order to benefit the residents of Region 4.

The NTNTP revealed that, in its quest to eradicate poverty in all its forms, its members have recognised that poverty is a social condition which affects more than half of our country’s population…most of whom live on less than US$4.25 a day. This means that they have lived and continue to live in extreme poverty.

Disturbingly, the party said, women and children account for a sizeable portion of those who live in extreme poverty in Guyana.

The party also indicated that when the HTNTP becomes part of the new regional government, “We will keep our partners’ feet to the fire to ensure that there will be early local government elections and governmental intervention to reduce poverty and maintain sustainable human and economic development.”

The HTNTP disclosed its Mystic Vision 2020 Plan, which declared that what party members will bring is a new and different way of life through equitable distribution of resources.

“We will create a righteous way of life through righteous and moral governance, in which all Guyanese men and women will be treated as responsible human beings, able to participate fully in the political affairs of their government; a way of life in which ignorance and poverty, if not abolished, are at least the exception, and are actively combated; a way of life in which the blessings and benefits of the modern world can be enjoyed by all without the total sacrifice of all that was good and beneficial in the old Guyana.

“We are from and of the people, and our desires derive from and are theirs”, the Mystic Vision 2020 Plan disclosed.
Meanwhile the HTNTP highlighted that, over the next five years, members would be stabilising the economy and laying the foundation for sustainable, accelerated, job-creating industrial growth in Region 4.

HTNTP will also focus on providing the enabling spiritual and moral holistic environment that would empower all Guyanese to participate in wealth creation, and to partake in the wealth created.

“(The party) will ensure that all Guyanese in Region 4, irrespective of their socio-economic status or where they reside have access to basic social services such as health care, quality education, electricity, potable drinking water, decent housing, public transportation, security from crime and violence, and the ability to participate in decisions that affect their own lives.

“Shared governance is the answer! No more winner-take-all government,” disclosed the statement.

“The very diversity of the Guyanese people today in Region 4 constitutes one of our nation’s great resources. The different philosophies with which Guyanese approach their problems lead inevitably to a vast array of methods and techniques. These variations are necessary, for each community must find solutions which are responsive to its particular needs… Each community will inevitably pursue the course which appears best suited to its own unique characteristics.

The HTNTP encourages all Guyanese to dream big and make the vision become a reality of new wealth…to leave a better world for the children of Guyana.

“Guyana belongs to all Guyanese! HTNTP will provide MORE FOR REGION 4!” the party manifesto declares.

By Navendra Seoraj


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