HUNDREDS enjoyed a fun-filled Easter Monday at Joe Vieira Park, West Bank Demerara, as they engaged in kite flying and picnic activities with friends and family members in an atmosphere dominated by bonhomie.The park was filled to near capacity with people from all walks of life, some of whom relaxed in hammocks suspended from trees, whilst others either had tables and chairs to utilize, or spread blankets on the ground. A wide variety of appealing foods were displayed, just waiting to be devoured.
Vehicles also were filled with drinks and food as families gathered at the location to partake in the Easter festivities and enjoy each other’s company as well.
There were several barbeque stalls, drink bars, and large music systems blaring popular songs there also.
The children had a grand time engaging in kite flying under the supervision of their parents and others.
The atmosphere was one of celebration in a very crowded park, where people found their spots and set up tent, while others took shade under large trees.
Airborne kites in all designs, colours, sizes and shapes created a splendid kaleidoscope in the clear, sunny Westside sky.
(Michel Outridge)