THE APNU/AFC rally at Anna Regina on Saturday failed to attract thousands of Essequibians as anticipated by leaders of the coalition. The rally, held under the theme “It is Time”, began near 18:00 hrs after the expected crowd did not show up.The programme however got off to a spirited start as the handful of supporters in attendance, dressed in yellow and green jerseys and armed with posters and placards, danced and waved their flags to the sounds of Bob Marley.

APNU member, Christopher Jones who chaired the programme, started of by saying, “Essequibo, it is time for change,” and that with David and Moses, who happen to be named after famous biblical figures, on the APNU/AFC ticket, it is a sure “sign from above” who the victors of the May 11 polls will be.
Christian prayers were said before the first speaker, Alliance businessman, Samad Bacchus, took to the podium to address the painfully sparse crowd.
Bacchus, who spoke on the PPP/C platform at the 2011 election, said he was happy to be on the platform of the APNU/ AFC coalition this time around, and called on fellow Essequibians to, like he, give their full support to the APNU/AFC coalition on May 11.
Other speakers at the rally included Ms. Volda Lawrence, and Messrs Naithram, Robert Badal, and Nigel Hughes, before prime ministerial and presidential candidates, Messrs Moses Nagamootoo and Presidential candidate David Granger spoke.
As the meeting progressed well into the night, more people came out and stood afar off to listen to the various speakers. The Anna Regina high bridge also accommodated a fair amount of people, but nothing to compare with PPP/C rallies at the same venue, which always succeeds in attracting in excess of 15,000 supporters.
By Rajendra Prabhulall