Easter: A celebration of hope and deliverance

THE world yesterday celebrated the festival of Easter, a very important day for Christian communities around the world. This is a day when the Saviour of Mankind arose from Earth to take His rightful place at the right hand of the Heavenly Father.Guyana is a country of great faith, with a diversity of religious beliefs, all propagating the belief of good triumphing over evil.

Good triumphed over evil in this country on October 5, 1992 and subsequently continued to do so.
Easter is not merely for the joys of kite-flying and family picnics, but also for reflection of where we are as individuals and as a nation.
Guyana is a land of plenty. God gifted this country of diverse races, cultures and religions with abundant resources. We should therefore go in want of nothing.
However, because of depredations of greedy and selfish leaders this land and people became depleted of every resource for human survival, including hope.
But just as Jesus Christ restored hope in the family of humanity, the Guyanese people were given hope when our country was once again restored to viability and democracy by someone who, while never aspiring to be looked-on as a godlike being, is nevertheless revered as someone who had many godlike qualities – rightfully deemed the “Father of the Nation.”
This nation has faced many trials and tribulations, mainly man-made and man-driven. The bounties bestowed on this country by the Lord are not being allowed to be enjoyed in full by the Guyanese nation.
But on this day when the Lord, by His ultimate sacrifice, gave the family of humanity hope for obliterated sins and new beginnings, this nation can only pray that our leaders can put their own egos and ambitions on the back-burner and work together for the common good of all Guyanese.
May this season of hope and deliverance herald new beginnings for the Guyanese nation.

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