The PPP/C Government delivers on its commitments to Guyana’s continuous development

THERE is a specific and qualitative difference between a government that promises and one that delivers.And that is – while one is conjuring up what to promise, the other is delivering in all practicality! It is no secret that the latter administration will always find favour with its citizens, redounding to its favour at any national elections.Apply the above to the Guyana socio-economic scenario and the results-oriented People’s Progressive Party /Civic (PPP/C) Government immediately towers for its overwhelming record of national development achievements that have reconstructed Guyana from its abject state of total socio-economic collapse, to a position where it is in transformation mode towards the pathway of modernisation. Undoubtedly, such a metamorphosis has changed tens of thousands of lives for the better. Never before have so many been able to acquire so much!
As poignant examples of this material advancement, OBSERVER points to the exponential phenomenon of housing and vehicular ownership. While the former has been as a direct result  of government’s grand national housing programme, heavily subsidised, that facilitated home ownership to thousands of low income Guyanese, the latter has occurred because of a myriad of instances, including more disposable income available to Guyanese workers through interventions such as several  adjustments of the income  tax, that has given more disposable income. But there are also the spin-offs from a growing economy that has been availed to thousands of Guyanese, opportunities for business and commerce investment, and business ownership.
But, back to the mainstream point of the PPP/C Government’s record of delivering to the nation.
Not even the imminent staging of national and regional elections has removed the focus of the Government from its programme of bringing more development to Guyana. Just look at the recent groundbreaking commissioning of the QUALFON Call Centre at Providence that will provide employment opportunities for a reported 6,000 Guyanese. What a timely and welcome announcement, especially for many young job seekers!
This particular initiative, facilitated by Government, is a telling answer to the many political Opposition critics who have perennially been criticising the Executive for not creating job opportunities for the youths of Guyana. OBSERVER is of the opinion that such an event has created mass hysteria within the camp of the Alliance that had been boasting about the surety of votes from the young electorate, come May 11.
It has been sometime since Government has been mulling the intention of a deep water harbour in the Corentyne River; finally, this process has started with a feasibility study recently signed by   Government. The wholesale transformation that this will bring to   Regions 6 and 5 is voluminous, not leaving out Guyana in its entirety. This is what is described as big time economic development that will catapult Guyana onto the beginning of the pathway to modernisation.
Just imagine the improved linkage with Guyana and neighbouring states such as Brazil, and the reduction in time for shipping exports from this country!
These two projects, one fully completed, and the other now in its early preliminary stage, speaks of a PPP/C Government agenda that is  continuous and unswerving in its mission of bringing further economic benefits to country and people. Of course, a deep water harbour is indeed about taking Guyana to another level of national development, for which future generations will applaud.


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