Is time fuh Nagga and RumJ answer dem own people!

Potsalt did read about some Key people who leff RumJ and Nagga Party a few weeks ago. De men who leff, including de one time bossman GS, didn’t had any good things fuh seh about de Key Party and both RumJ and Nagga. De men dem expose de hypocrisy and what dem believe was corruption which dem seh was “key” in de Party. Dem expose a certain member who does deal with bush, not de two Georges and Jeb and Barbara, and how he went about asking fuh donation fuh de Party fuh de last election. Apparently, de donation still fuh reach de Party!Everybody was shock because de way RumJ and Nagga and de ‘Big’ lawyer does talk, yuh would believe that de Key Party holy more than de Vatican and that it gat more Cardinals! People sehin that de Party actually gat a lot of “holes”, but that is a different story! Potsalt hearing how Nagga now hollering pun de PNC Palm Tree campaign that it is time fuh this and it is time fuh that. With that, people asking when it gon be time fuh he and RumJ and de “Big” Lawyer fuh answer about all de allegations of corruption in de Key Party! De people sehin this is DE time!

Dem avoiding dem own people who confront dem about de wrongdoings in de Key Party just like how minibus does avoid stopping at traffic lights. But de accusation against de Key Party by its own people ain’t stopping. Now Big Archie come out and seh how Nagga and RumJ full with hate and venom, meaning hate and poison. Is not Potsalt or Uncle Clement sehin so; is dem own! Potsalt hear how Big Archie was a key councillor fuh de Key Party down in de Cinderella county. As a councillor, he had fuh deal with Nagga and RumJ so he must know what he talking about!

Everybody suspect dem veins fill with hate and poison after dem kill de Hydro, de Special Hospital and de airport story, not forgetting de fancy hotel in GT. You coulda see it overflowing pun de tv when dem was talking in de MP House. One man was thinking of trapping de poison from dem and sell it to de sugar people fuh kill weeds and bugs! People sehin that is why bugs and weeds does be avoiding Nagga and RumJ! Check dem yard; it clean! Potsalt wondering if hate and poison gat benefits, but then again both Nagga and Rumj had some benefits fuh killing de hotel and de Specialty Hospital. Potsalt gone! Fuh now!

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