I WOULD like to point out the imbecilic nature of the claims of the Opposition, with regard to the ‘Medical Assistance’ row in Guyana. The Opposition has again displayed childish and backward attitudes with regard to people’s personal data. It is not the first time that we, as a people, have been graced by this blatant disregard for personal privacy by the Opposition. Over the past years, they, the Opposition parties, have shown great belief that if they tell a lie often enough, it will become the truth. The Government has provided equal access to medical assistance and members of the Opposition were benefactors as well.
Firstly, I would like to point out to you that the health of a person is a very personal thing. Individuals prefer to keep the details of their medical condition and spending private, except in extreme cases. As a political party, the Opposition should know better than to publicise the medical history of someone. These parties have shown a chronic inability to hold themselves to the same standards that they hold others to. These personal attacks place individuals at risk and are very sensitive.
Secondly, members of the Opposition have been big benefactors of medical assistance from the Government. Medical assistance was given to former President Desmond Hoyte, and then to Robert Corbin. The government maintains that anyone qualified for medical assistance will get it. There is no evidence of discrimination with regard to this. It is really sad when their supporters come to the front, making these claims, based purely on faith in these politicians.
I believe that the Opposition forces need to show greater respect for the privacy of fellow Guyanese. Their campaign is focused on dehumanising members of the ruling party. They continue to be petty in their operations. They continuously operate on the belief that if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. If they are to impress me, they would have to display mature conduct towards Guyanese.