AFTER much deliberation, Winston Waddell and Natasha Goodridge were last Friday evening announced as the winning couple of this year’s Wedding Expo’s “Race to the Altar” contest.Staged at the Roraima Duke Lodge in the presence of the Wedding Expo Committee and members of the public, three couples had been locked in a keen contest to win an all-expenses-paid wedding. The contest entailed the couples showcasing their talents and exercising their knowledge of each other in a series of wedding games, which

subsequently led to the declaration of the winning couple.
Couple number four, Dasion Blackett and Latoya Benn, were unfortunately disqualified because of Blackett’s inability to arrive on time.
Couple number one, Micheal DeMattos and Iyana McLennan, won the title of the first runner-up; while, on the other hand, couple number three, Rayburn Johnson and Tandica McGarrel, was declared the second runner-up.
Waddell and Goodridge won an Insel Air honeymoon in either Aruba or Curacao; DeMattos and McLennan won a trip to Kaieteur Falls, while Johnson and McGarrel won an overnight camping experience at Arrowpoint Nature Resort.
The winning couple will have their wedding sponsored by Roraima Holdings on March 28th in the midst of the Wedding Expo festivities.
The Race to the Altar contest was initiated on this year’s Wedding Expo’s launch, and couples had to contest a series of events to demonstrate teamwork and love as the cameras followed their every move. Members of the public were then allowed to scrutinise each couple on the basis of financial standing, courtship years, authentic

relationship, and love and respect before voting via Facebook and text messages.
Wedding Expo will, however, commence on March 28 and conclude on March 30. An entrance fee of $500 applies.
(By Shivanie Sugrim)