THE Opposition parties, their media colleagues, Transparency Institute, opposition-alligned NGOs, GHRA, et al, especially the decrepit members of the PNC clan have had an epiphany.They are making pronouncements on moral rectitude, integrity, flooding in Guyana, neglect of farmers, violence against women and children, corruption, crime, etc, to indicate that they epitomise morality, integrity, good governance, wise and effective fiscal management, equitable, fair, and just treatment to women, children, and the vulnerable in society, and all good and decent things.
Constrained space in this Editorial column does not allow for comprehensive statistical data, but there is a preponderance of records and evidence to show how hypocritical these pronouncements are.
Only the credulous will even consider, with any seriousness, the utterances of the main members of the PNC and its various acolytes and satellites to have any moral framework on which to establish credibility.
In direct correlation to the PNC’s position is its echo – the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA). Although most victims of crime in Guyana refer to that body by another acronym, which is more a pejorative, and an indictment of the morality and integrity of that self-appointed body, which ostensibly represents human rights in Guyana, but which is perceived to instead serve the vested interests of those organisations and persons who support, assist, and encourage criminals to wreak havoc in society.
The PNC’s record of opposing merely for the sake of political expediency had resulted in its most credible member, a man who, in order to retain his record of impeccable integrity and contribution to the national good, late Mr. Winston Murray, resigning from the Chair of that political party, which has, of recent times, seen the loss of some of its most stalwart members who had contributed significantly to the growth and development of that Party.
Given the PNC’s history, its leaders should take into account that they are not perceived to be examples of moral rectitude, with enough credibility to assume position on a high moral ground on the issue of violence and discrimination against women because, rightly or wrongly, some members – very high in the hierarchy, have been publicly accused of perpetrating some of the most heinous crimes against women, especially one very prominent female in Guyana’s society.
This is a matter of public record, open to anyone’s scrutiny, and one wonders where all these very strident female voices in the Opposition were when these and other allegations were being made, bearing in mind that the acts for which they are lambasting and castigating members of the Government for are merely that – allegations.
However, what takes the cake is their unending litany of corruption in the Governmental structure, while ignoring the fact that most of the perpetrators fingered are public servants, whom everyone is aware are mainly PNC supporters. The fact that public servants are employed by the Government in no way makes the administration culpable for infractions of the law by individuals; and how could one forget that corruption became endemic in the society during the long years of PNC (mis)rule and (mis)management of the social and administrative structures in the nation?
An attempt to restore accountability in public office by auditing public accounts saw protest actions and accusations of discrimination when thefts were discovered and the perpetrators were either dismissed and/or charged.
A case in point is the demonisation of Ms. Sita Ramlall when she sought to re-institute a system of accountability within the jurisdiction of her mandate.
It was only when the PPP/C established the Public Accounts Committee, under the competent guidance and chairmanship of the erudite and brilliant Mr. Winston Murray, then the truth and the range of thieving of public funds and assets under the PNC regime – that continued into the PPP/C administration by PNC appointed Public Servants – came to light. And it is to that gentleman’s credit, and the credit of every member of that parliamentary committee, that they put party and individual considerations on the back-burner as they sought to put society and the nation first by attempting to restore accountability to public office through their scrutiny, investigations, deliberations, and considerations of the public accounts of the country.
However, given the fact that most of the perpetrators had absconded, as well as the difficulty of sanctioning Public Servants, this had little effect and hardly any restoration was effected.
And one wonders where was the Opposition members’ concerns for farmers when the PNC/R Government neglected agriculture (discrimination against farming communities was also claimed) and the nation’s infrastructure declined to such an extent that Guyanese were being shunned as destitute ‘mudlanders’ looking for handouts from its Caribbean counterparts.
And their supercilious references to Minister Rohee being unable to stem criminal activities begs the question of under whose tenure did the kick-down-the-door phenomenon erupt, with all its sinister implications: And who desecrated the nation’s symbol of nationhood and honour by draping it on the body of a notorious thief, rapist and murderer – Lindon ‘Blackie’ London?
Space does not permit an expansion on this theme, but suffice it to say that, in clichéd but apt terms, “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”
And by the way, does the GHRA ever have its accounts audited and exhibited for public scrutiny? What about the PNC/R, and the other Opposition parties? And Mr. Anand Goolsarran should stop pointing fingers at others and instead examine his own track record when he held public office, when no public accounts were audited.
The Opposition will be presenting themselves to the voting populace as icons of moral rectitude; but their sanctimonious accusations of Government officials reflect back to themselves in multiple ways, because the corruption starts right there within their ranks; so while they are pointing an accusing finger at the Government, four are pointing right back at them.