THE People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) is calling on all eligible Guyanese who have not registered as yet or need to conduct registration transactions during the current Claims and Objections period to ensure they do so urgently, since there is still a small opening available for this.
The call came from none other than PPP/C General Secretary, Clement Rohee yesterday during the Party’s weekly press briefing.
According to Rohee, the Party is aware that many persons living in the new housing schemes have not taken transfers to their current place of residence, therefore the opportunity is now, and this will enable them to vote at the closest available Polling Station to their homes.
Apart from that, “the Party calls on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to increase its public awareness campaigns in this regard, and to ensure that mobile teams are dispatched into the critical areas at the convenience of residents,” he said.
So far, he noted, they have received many complaints stating that lists are not available in some areas, or are not conspicuously placed for residents to check and verify their particulars.
Some of these areas include Region 3, where residents of Anna Catherina and Cornelia Ida have been encountering many difficulties in verifying their particulars on the list.
Meanwhile, “the 2011 election was marred with inconsistencies and confusion created by these GECOM staffers, consequently, the PPP, time and again has echoed its concerns on the role of Information Clerks,” Rohee said, adding:
“During the 2011 elections, many of them either lacked basic understanding of the voting system, or were poorly trained with no dry run or simulation done.”
Also, deliberate acts of frustration to voters in certain areas cannot be written off and so the Party is calling on GECOM to ensure that in 2015 these individuals must be carefully selected, trained and properly placed since they are the first set of individuals voters encounter, and they also act as the face of GECOM on polling day.
Rohee also urged that “Guyanese must demand that proper systems and mechanisms be implemented by GECOM to ensure that a clean and transparent Official List of Electors (OLE) is prepared, voters education is intensified, a smooth and incident free process at polling places and the timely declaration of results, because these are the necessary ingredients for a free and fair election in 2015.”