Machiavellian tendencies of Opposition media

Machiavelli posited: “Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results.” 

One Raghunandan Singh wrote in the letters column of this newspaper on the subject: “Stabroek News’ skewed reportage”, in which he elucidated as follows “I was taken aback by the headline: ‘PPP considered taking up arms against gov’t after Walter Rodney’s death – Rohee’. This can be revisited in the Feb. 10, 2015 edition of the Stabroek News, which gave coverage of the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry, dealing with the assassination of Dr. Walter Rodney. I boldly declare that Stabroek News, with the use of this caption, is guilty of that which is not merely misleading, but also quite evil. As soon as that title is met with the eye, the impression one is likely to get is that the People’s Progressive Party was at one time an aggressive and even violent Party.
As a matter of fact, I was riled on reading it in the Stabroek News, and was moved to examine its content. However, the title was most misleading, as the actual content of the article did not lend support to what the title promised. This classic case of sensationalising is typical of so many media houses; it is suggestive of inherent mischief by those who subscribe to this kind of reportage.
The letter continued, copied here in part: “Reading the entire lengthy presentation, it can be noted that the theme of it was really about the nature and intent of the then ruling People’s National Congress, under Forbes Burnham, and certainly not about any kind of hostile attitude of the PPP. As a matter of fact, during the hearing (at the CoI), the major thrust was about a murderous regime, which reigned terror on the nation, during the late 70s.

“Mr. Editor of Stabroek News, I am horrified by your brand of journalism. The desire to besmirch the good name of the PPP overwhelmed you to the point that you dispensed with a very basic tenet of good writing. I presume you know that the title is a story’s first impression and dominant motif. The article in question is over 1,600 words, and just a sixth of it deals with your headline: Evil or dumb? I can posit both.

“I am cognisant, too, that you self-debunked, even in that small portion that you tried to naughtily and puerilely use.  You ended up acknowledging that the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Founder (and Leader at the time) of the PPP, was a man of exceptional quality. You admitted that he never tolerated hostile measures; not even against tyrants, and that he was most peaceful during the height of physical violence thrown at those who were opposing the PNC at the time.”
This is what former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo coined the Corbin syndrome, taking one’s miasmic matter and daubing it on an adversary in efforts to deflect attention from culpability of the actual guilty party.
Raghunandan wrote in conclusion: “It is so patent to spot your nefarious purpose. You don’t have a hidden agenda; your intentions are crystal clear, but don’t achieve much.”
This editorial endorses the sentiments of Raghunandan, but differs on his concluding phraseology, whereby he opines that the nefarious purposes of that publication do not achieve much.
Misrepresentation of facts and outright lies of the Opposition media houses pertinent to Government’s and the PPP’s business have resulted in much confusion and destruction of Guyana’s survival systems.
As Guyana heads for a precipitous election, truncating another PPP/C Government through the gerrymandering of the joint Opposition, it is incumbent upon the media fraternity to stop inciting the populace and to merely report on the facts.
Until the Media Monitoring Unit is put in place, the media houses have to put themselves in order and stop prostituting their productions and publications. It bodes ill for the society in general if this skewed, misleading, inflammatory and highly dangerous reporting is allowed to continue.

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