PPP Central Committee discusses strategies to secure majority at polls

THE Central Committee of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) met on Thursday and, among the hot button issues discussed, were the strategies that would be employed to secure a majority win for the Party at the upcoming May 11 General and Regional elections.

“(The Committee) made an assessment of the current political situation and came up with ways of positioning the party to win an absolute majority in the upcoming national and regional elections,” a press release from the party said.

The Committee also discussed the state of the Party’s elections machinery in another effort to ensure a “resounding” win at the upcoming polls.

Ground work by party members and activists was another issue that was addressed on Thursday.

“The Central Committee expressed satisfaction with the work done by party structures on the ground to ensure that eligible voters are on the List. Central Committee heard and analysed reports from Party bodies on the ground, and endorsed the strategies and approaches taken to ensure maximum turnout of party members and supporters on polling day,” the PPP said.

Additionally, the Central Committee addressed strategies to reach out to voters across the political and ethnic spectrum, and expressed full confidence in the Party’s mobilisation capacity to bring home a convincing victory in the upcoming elections.

“The Party is highly encouraged by the political goodwill and expressions and pledges it has been receiving, both nationally and from the diaspora, since the announcement of the date of elections,” the PPP said.

At the meeting, presentations were made by the Party’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee.
Importantly, too, the Central Committee reiterated its endorsement of President Donald Ramotar as the Party’s Presidential Candidate. In turn, the incumbent Head of State and member of the Central Committee thanked the Central Committee for the confidence reposed in him as the Party’s presidential candidate, and pledged his continuing efforts to work relentlessly to ensure an overwhelming victory at the elections.


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