“Wafugee” connecting you to people, places, products and services

WEBSITES come and they go. And some just sit there with limited information and hardly any scope to help viewers positively. Guyanese have been thirsting for a website with a ‘rime time difference’ and one that can satisfy their every whim, fantasy and need.

Well folks here is the ‘real deal’ brought to your door from the folks behind, ‘Wafugee’, the only forum that connects you to people, places, products and services, and also makes your internet experiences enthralling and so much easier.
We now allow the magical minds behind this new initiative to take you on an exhilarating ride as they make your social and business life a simple ‘walk in de park’.
Guyanese are reaching out to experience the new social life, productivity and convenience in embracing the digital lifestyle. The young and not so old are sporting the latest electronic gadgets and smart phones and the former is communicating almost fulltime on social media and browsing the web.
A few developers are also engaging the technology differently, using algorithms and codes to make sense of our cultural, sociological and economic lives in an interactive approach in the name and form of “Wafugee”.
Wafugee is a social and business web application that helps you to connect to people, places, products and services in one convenient location on a single dashboard. Login to www.wafugee.comand experience what we have got for you!

Create your profile, post stuff on your wall and chat; yes chat. While chatting you can upload, send and receive files. You can also message your friends and other contacts; share something on your wall, and place settings for your privacy and publicity of the things you will publish in Wafugee. You can also share pictures, a link, take a poll and see who viewed your profile. Businesses can use this portal to create a profile for promoting products and branding their names in a Guyanese setting.
Create an event in several categories, such as club parties, birthday party, nuptials, concerts and promotions, conference, launchings, movies, sports, games and competition, religious functions, the arts and many more. You are allowed to see events you are invited to, inform the host if you will be attending and see who will be attending.
The host is allowed to insert the event’s address by tagging in Google Map. The host can also insert a photo; attach a link or even a file to his event. The host will also see and plan for the number of persons attending.
This functionality can also be used by institutions, organizations, churches, temples and mosques in reaching out to members and the general public by creating and posting their events. Businesses can launch a new product and create their pages to inform their customers and the general public about developments in both their personal and product profiles. Customers can also follow businesses and receive alerts when something new is added to their pages.

A Wafugee Friend List: You can see your list of friends, incorporated as an independent functionality in Wafugee. You can see your Friend’s Profile information, activities on this site, postings on their wall as well as products, listings and other business activities they are engaged in as you will read below. You can see incoming and pending friend requests; send your friend a message, share a thought, photo or a link much like the other social sites. You can also manage your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts from this location.
Wafugee provides one common space for social and business interactions. It leverages some popular tools from social media and business sites and harnesses them to develop a search engine dedicated mainly to finding products and services very fast, eliminating the overwhelming amount of irrelevance in the traditional search approach. It also leverages the power of algorithms and codes to inject life to what would have otherwise be a dull search, making the process very interactive and relevant. Wafugee is a living organism!
More on this new initiative in our next issue…


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