A 29-year-old father of three, and a 19-year-old man are battling for their lives at the Suddie Hospital after ingesting poison.The older of the two is Sookdeo Ramlall of Columbia Village, who reportedly drank a quantity of gramoxone last Sunday in an attempt to end his life. He was rushed to the hospital and admitted.
The other is Kevin Spellen of Anna Regina, who is said to have drunk weedicide Wednesday morning at his home after experiencing problems with his girlfriend. He too was rushed to the Suddie Hospital and admitted. Reports are that the teenager was vomiting continuously as doctors worked on him.
Since the year started, six persons in Region Two have ended their lives by way of suicide.
At a recent meeting in the Suddie Hospital boardroom where the Regional Health Committee was formed, a representative of the Police who was present at the meeting said when persons ingest poison in an attempt to commit suicide and are rushed to the hospital for treatment, the Police must be informed.
However, a member of the New Health Committee, Ms Shanta Springer said the Police at Suddie are always informed about suicide cases that are rushed to the hospital.
Several residents on the Essequibo Coast are calling for immediate action to be taken to stop persons from committing suicide.
They are calling for persons from the religious community to come forward and offer spiritual guidance to residents, especially young people.(Rajendra Prabhulall)