THE Anglo-American Empire and its allies, the belt of Western Europe nations stretching from Scandinavia in the North to Italy in the South, are invaders and conquerors. They invade the world, conquer, kill, take what they want, leave. They have been doing this since their Medieval Era. Those incessant Germanic, Anglo-Saxon wars invading, plundering, pillaging native European civilizations. And in the grand era of global conquest, from the 15th to 19th Century, they moved into their New World. Imperialism. They transplanted their towers and ramparts, their entire political economy, onto the beleaguered kingdoms of the Americas.
The bullion of gold and silver was to be found in the soil in the Americas, bullion for achieving supremacy in war; they maximised this supremacy through theft of wood, hide, soil, space and other commodities, and labour: the imposition and dissemination of plantation. To maximise their mastery over their own European neighbours, over other native peoples globally, they squeezed the blood out of their own underclasses, feudal serfs, peasants, proletarians. And we see in the modern era, the 20th and 21st centuries, this trend of global conquest, genocide, invading and taking what you have, incurring tremendous, flagellating costs to native civilizations, continue. While the masses in the nations of Empire suffer, from debt, unemployment, ennui, social fragmentation, alienation, the elites advance economic, political and military war.
Same practice, predatory war, different rhetoric. The current catch-phrases are the New World Order, the International Community. A grotesquerie managed by a polycentric elite of nations, basically a NATO, North Atlantic axis. This is the reality of the modern global structure. The bastions of this axis are the church, the military, the mainstream media, the global surveillance institutions, the banks, the monetary system, the United Nations Security Council, the International Criminal Court, the two-party senatorial dictatorships guising themselves as democratic; and cohorts of multi-national corporations, global investor states, acting independently of state and legislative control.
Those who have challenged this one thousand year old order have been met with defeat or flagellation. Native populations everywhere, both in Europe and the Americas, South East Asia, Asia, Australia, Africa, Latin America; genocide and ransack, social, political, economic, have been their fate. Then there have been Marx and Communism. China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba; all these latter are now fraying at the edges. Gandhi is an interesting intervention; no sooner had he died that Nehru, his daughter and her sons, killed his ideas and joined the race to become Europe. For one part, they held steadfast to the idea of non-Alignment; but that is now dead. So is Hugo Chavez.
Into this scenario we have the terrorist, what is loosely referred to as Islamic Terror. And Iran. The West hates this, and will try anything to stop it: rage, bribery, mollycoddling, insurgency, the annihilation of states, threats to exterminate leaders and networks; all at the same time. In other words, the Islamic Terrorist and Iran pose a real threat to the one thousand year old Western hegemony of war, conquest, theft, ransacking and empire. Its final solution to the West, and its historic genocide, is to get the Bomb into the West, or hold it outside. Terrorism inside the West, or the treat of the Bomb outside it. This is ultimate crisis, the realpolitik of the modern era. This is the challenge faced by modern civilization.
All attempts to build the genuinely Global Village, a village of sharing, revolutions in technology, innovation; in health, public services, transport, communications, education, food production, political and economic institutions, energy, and security – against gunrunning, narcotics, money-laundering, bankster economies, resource inequity – stand to be usurped by this parallel revolution: the Jihad of Islam vs the Terror of Western Europe. Neither of these opponents will rest, until they decimate each other. This is the future into which the Global Village is being thrown. A world of chaos.
This war of wars, mother of all dialectics, is based on realpolitik. It is based on the will to power. It does not matter which ‘side’ you support or do not support. Which views you hold or do not hold. Who did this or who did that. All of these ‘tangentials’ have been superseded by the facts on the ground. The war has already started. It will not end in my or your lifetime. It is a war of a highly motivated, muhajid warrior conqueror versus a genocidal, predatory, prepotent Empire. The former cannot be appeased; it will continue to mount attacks against, and more significantly, inside the historic Empire. And Iran, or an equally defiant, and subtle, surrogate, will get their Bomb. There is no doubt of this. The Empire is in trouble.
This is the challenge facing modern civilization, not just the denudation of organic life of the planet, its life support systems, but full-scale global war. Ironically, this is the best time for the ferment of ideas – the sharing of ideas and technology globally, to build the Global Village. The development of genuinely participatory global financial, economic, and political institutions. Human civilization needs intellectual terrorists everywhere, to make the incendiary bombs, the improvised electronic ideas for the future.
There is not clash of civilizations, but a culmination of revolutions. The revolution of the will to power – based on WMD’s, IED’s, smart bombs, nuclear bombs, battlefield robotics, drones – and the revolution of the commons, the will to improvisation and ideas.