Gov’t to spend $89M rebuilding Linden Electricity Inc offices – destroyed in 2012 electricity protest
Rebuilding works have commenced at the old site of the Linden Electricity Inc office
Rebuilding works have commenced at the old site of the Linden Electricity Inc office

GOVERNMENT has made available some $89M to be used for rebuilding the office of the Linden Electricity Inc, the distributor of electrical power to Linden communities located on the eastern bank of the Demerara River.

Following an announcement in 2012 that electricity tariffs would be increased in Linden, a protest was started by residents, which resulted in fires that destroyed a range of buildings, including the LEIC office and equipment, the Guyana Revenue Authority, and the Linden Care Foundation. Work to rebuild the LEIC office began this past week, and should be completed by mid-next year.

Speaking to the Guyana Chronicle recently, Horace James, Linmine Secretariat’s Chief Executive Officer, who is also head of the LEIC, said: “Following the destruction of the LEIC offices, we lost a lot of our essential tools and equipment to supply electricity to the Linden community. Following the 2014 budget, we realised that, even at that stage, we were not able to replace all the items that we needed; and the Board of Directors decided to approach Government for assistance, both in terms of rebuilding the office and also (in) acquiring more tools and equipment.

“We initially applied for over $125M, and in the 2014 budget $89M (were) awarded, of which we would use $51M plus for the building.”

James said: “We advertised for the building, and General Contractors Company won the award, and we have signed the contract with them. They are rebuilding a two-storey general office at the old Linden Electricity Inc compound office site, where parts of the building were burnt down on Casuarina Drive, Watooka. It will take probably about six to nine months to rebuild it.”

James highlighted: “One of the problems following our destruction…we are scattered at four different locations to operate. Down in the community, the commercial section is at the Republic Avenue, the linesmen crew are at the Old Railroad Office, the management team at the old Maids Quarters, and I am operating at the bottom flat at Watooka House.” (Joe Chapman)


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