THE sudden and tragic demise of world renowned Pastor, Dr. Myles Munroe, International speaker, friend to world leaders and dignitaries from all walks of life is like a giant tree that has fallen into a verdant forest; but the luscious green and immortal beauty of the forest never dies. Dr. Munroe’s life was his message and the immortal books he left to posterity will remain as a legacy in the ages to come.
Mohandas Gandhi said, ”My life is my message and you must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean, if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
These profound words of wisdom immaculately fit into the life of this great Man of God, Dr. Munroe, whose life was his message and his love and concern for humanity will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on hundreds of generations to come, including the Christian communities and those from other religious faiths.
Dr. Munroe was a man of dignity and impeccable character who lived a life of moral integrity and practised what he preached. He was known internationally and spoke in over 80 countries worldwide, addressing millions of people, face to face, as well as on international television. His elegant and eloquent style in speaking and preaching influenced thousands across the world and many Pastors, Bishops, and International scholars in a great many academic circles are still trying to imitate his charismatic style in speaking, and his versatile and prolific prose style in writing.
Our own National Poet Martin Carter wrote, ”Death must not find us thinking that we die”; but what does he mean by his last few words ”thinking that we die?” Can a dead man think after he has been dead? Carter understood that the real person after death is the immortal soul that shall never die, like Jesus when he said:
”For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
For the spiritual minded, our brother Dr. Munroe is not dead, but his life is transformed into the heavenly world with his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though he dies.” John 11:25
Dr. Munroe believed the words of Jesus, and today he is absent from this mortal world where his journey has come to an end, but he is present with the Lord in heaven.
Myles Munroe, (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014), was a Bahamian Evangelical Christian evangelist and ordained Pentecostal minister who founded and led the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI). He was Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of the International Third World Leaders Association and President of the International Leadership Training Institute, as well as the author of numerous books.
Born in 1954 in Nassau, Bahamas, Munroe grew up poor in a family of eleven children. Raised in the Nassau suburb of Bain Town, he was a life-long resident of the Commonwealth. Munroe became a Christian during his teenage years, later attending Oral Roberts University (ORU) where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts, Education, and Theology in 1978, and a Master’s degree in administration from the University of Tulsa in 1980. Munroe was also the recipient of honorary doctoral degrees from various schools of higher education and served as an adjunct professor of the Graduate School of Theology at Oral Roberts University.
(Quote From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Dr. Munroe travelled the world to preach the Gospel and to unite and advise world leaders. He was the next Billy Graham in the Caribbean. His passing is not only a great loss to The Bahamas but a great loss to the world as a spiritual leader and mentor to thousands.
The Poet Kahlil Gibran wrote: “Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
(Khalil Gibran, The Prophet)
Another poem by the Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore best described Dr. Munroe’s final journey into immortality.
“On the day when death will knock at thy door,
what wilt thou offer to him?
Oh, I will set before my guest the full vessel of my life;
I will never let him go with empty hands.
All the sweet vintage of all my autumn days and summer nights,
all the earnings and gleanings of my busy life,
will I place before him at the close of my days
when death will knock at my door.”
Dr. Munroe loved the world and the world loved him. We mourn his death as an Apostle of a living Christian Legend. Dr. Munroe was a man of wisdom and wit, a gracious and elegant personality, a versatile literary scholar and author, a unique and fascinating figure. The quality of his messages will be remembered and immortalised. Let us comb through his sermons of truth and life and remember them for posterity.