President Ramotar should accept this challenge

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar’s first speech in his Chief Executive’s office offered to the joint Opposition and all stakeholders the opportunity for a collective voice on nation-building, but he also warned that he would not allow his Government to be blackmailed into diverting from the chart the PPP/C had drawn for a developmental paradigm geared to a sustained upward trajectory. However, his hopes have largely been in vain because, instead of being supported in nation-building endeavours, the President and his Government have had to contend with the sour-grapes nitpicking, griping, misrepresentation of facts peddled to a seemingly gullible public, foreign interference that seeks to once again destabilise and displace a progressive Government, mayhem and destructive protest actions on largely imagined and trumped-up grievances, et al, by the joint Opposition and the perennial doomsayers and naysayers in the land.

The conjoined triplets PNC/APNU/AFC have now reached the ultimate in irresponsibility – calling for a no-confidence vote in Parliament against the Government, triggered mainly by ex-PPP envious and bile-soaked members, Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo; and fully endorsed by a sanctimonious Granger, who former President Jagdeo unapologetically said “… has the blood of Guyanese citizens on his hands.”
One has to look at the track record of the entire leadership of the joint Opposition, who are offering themselves to lead an alternative Government in this land; then one can recall their performance during the corruption debates a while ago; so the Government should accept this challenge and demolish them in Parliament as they did on national television.
While they ran away from the corruption debates on television, the PNC cannot run away from the House; and it is time that the AFC is exposed for the world to see that miniscule party’s reality.
The PPP/C has never been bested in a parliamentary debate – and the veterans, such as Teixeira and others; as well as the young lions and lionesses could devour them and spit them out like minced carilla.
Moses Nagamootoo is calling the President a coward running from the unholy trio: Well, the President should send his warriors into the fray, fully confident of a victory, as always. Cheddi Jagan never ran; it is not time for the PPP to start doing so.
Yes, the nation’s business has to take precedence over every consideration; but these stumbling blocks would always impede progress in the nation, so it is time to demolish them once and for all.
Why national television and not Parliament for a public debate on corruption? Because that is mainly the charges the Opposition is levelling against the Government in its new vehicle for subversion – their no-confidence motion; and the Government should accept this challenge, because Parliament is the appropriate forum to set the record straight once and for all.
This time there should be no holds barred in the exposes of the reality of the unpatriotic, anti-developmental and destructive aspiring presidents and their hangers-on, who are using every ploy to find relevance in the socio-political demographics of the country, even if they have to destroy the peace, inhibit the progress, and impede the pathways to prosperity of the nation; and this is the perfect opportunity for the beleaguered Government officials, who have had to implement developmental initiatives under constant and severe attack from a disgruntled Opposition and their support base, especially in the media, the NGOs – ostensibly working for social change while clandestinely furthering their own political agendas; and certain sections of the diplomatic community representing countries that once joined with the PNC to plunge this country into purgatory once before, and are seemingly prepared to do so once again, because everyone knows that a defeat of the PPP/C at the polls would send only the PNC in Government – with Granger as President, and Guyanese should take heed of the revelations emerging from the Rodney Commission of Inquiry, during the administration of the PNC, where Granger played a major role. They did not spare even their own “kith and kin.”
The President should take cognisance of the fact that clearing the names of his embattled ministers and other Government functionaries is the people’s business and it is moot as to what should take precedence, because a debate on the Opposition’s no-confidence motion is not to provide satisfaction to grandstanding, disgruntled, envious Opposition members, but to let the nation know the truth about the people purporting to represent them, but who are instead, conversely, wasting the people’s money, time – and worse, opportunities for advancement while they continue to beat drums of war in the nation.
Whether the President prorogues Parliament, or the Opposition wins with their one-seat majority, the end result will be early elections, according to Nagamootoo, so President Ramotar should let Parliament proceed with its no-confidence debates and, in local parlance, made famous by Guyana’s Attorney-General, “wha come sah do.” Let the chips fall where they may. What will be will be. Che sera sera. In whatever way it is described, let the future take its course, but the Government should not allow this opportunity to best the Opposition at its own game – which it will. The debates would certainly bring the truth of many issues to light, especially about tax evaders, frauds, rapists, paedophiles, and criminals who commit murders, cover up murders, subvert justice, bribe jury foremen, hide evidence in murder cases, plant drugs on innocent people (God knows how many persons are rotting in jail on charges trumped up by a certain notorious duo), among others. Let the public judge the reality of those persons who aspire to govern them, as against who are currently providing them with ever-increasing opportunities for upward-mobility – advancement in every area of national endeavour.
But the PPP/C needs to beware of GECOM, the diplomatic community, and the destructive forces; because mischief seems to be afoot when the joint Opposition is pushing for early elections – and they seem confident of victory, with Granger openly declaring that he does not need to do much electioneering.
PPP/C should not forget that GECOM allowed 19 ballot boxes from a PPP stronghold to be discounted and that GECOM employees ejected PPP officials from polling stations; and when PPP/C called for a recount of the votes the British High Commissioner joined with the PNC in the streets as they promised mayhem if this was allowed. They also should not forget Brent Hardt and other U.S.A. diplomats who worked hand in glove with the Opposition to destabilise the Government and empower the Opposition. They should not forget that members of the security services stood idly by and allowed PPP/C officials and supporters to be openly attacked by thugs during election rallies in 2011, and on Election Day itself. They should also be wary, because proxy votes could be, and have been manipulated; and the PNC is expert at rigging – even of their own internal elections.
Not through proroguing of Parliament as a Presidential option, but through the no-confidence motion at the Opposition’s intractable coercion, should the nation’s business come to a halt. Let the people see, once and for all the nature of the Opposition beast.

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