Parliament must not be transformed into a circus

THERE is a lot of sabre rattling going on in the AFC’s camp on the No-confidence motion filed by Parliamentarian Moses Nagamootoo. It is their contention that this matter be given priority over all others before the House. In their estimation very important and other serious matters that should take pre-eminence, should be sidelined for this ludicrous No-confidence motion. In their view Parliament is a place where their “monkey business” is paramount. Well, I am not so sure of that motion being anywhere near to priority rating, if ever it should be debated at all. This country has constructive ways to utilise its time than to be engaged in a hollow No-confidence debate.

The point is, several motions of grave importance to this nation’s development were left undone in the last sitting of the House and the AFC would want us to put these aside for some nonsensical No-confidence motion? Outrageous!  So, I would like to apprise my learned friends in the AFC that this is not going to happen; our Parliament has important things to do.
But far more important is the fact that the next sitting of the House the matter of the Speaker’s removal should be tabled.  A hot topic such as the rape and buggery of a minor by the speaker is of grave importance to Members of Parliament as well as our nation as a whole. I would not want to sit in parliament where such a vile individual presides and I am calling on the Government’s Chief Whip to whip up the debate on this matter. Trotman has to be removed from the Speaker’s chair before we can proceed with anything in this noble House. I must remind my readers that a similar situation occurred here in St Lucia with the Speaker of the House and he resigned forthwith. Why is Trotman still there? Such a twisted and perverted character should not be holding office.
So, if there is to be a matter of importance, the burning issue of rape and buggery of a minor should be one.
The PPP/C for its own part would be grossly negligent in their duties in not safeguarding the integrity of our House if the embattled Speaker is allowed to stay in office.

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