…serious questions exist over transparency of recruitment practices
COMING against the backdrop of numerous concerns being raised about the operations at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has described the Opposition as being in a state of ‘hibernation’ since they have expressed no concerns as it relates to the affairs of the elections regulatory body.
According to the party, they have noted with concern, GECOM’s haste in the recruitment and training of polling day staff. “Much to our disappointment is the total lack of communication and disregard for the major political stakeholders, which has raised serious questions over the transparency of GECOM’s recruitment practices,” the party disclosed on Monday.
As such, the party sought to remind GECOM that at the 2012 “Retreat’ GECOM had committed itself to pay careful attention and enhance the involvement of the political parties to avoid the numerous partisan behaviour and attitude of its polling day staff; yet to the PPP, this seems to be just ‘rhetoric,’ given the manner how the recruitment and selection processes are proceeding at present.
The party is therefore making a call to GECOM to make public the list of persons selected, the areas of training undergone and the selection policies or criteria used to short-list and appoint staff.
“…surprisingly, the Opposition seems to be in a state of hibernation when it comes to GECOM affairs, yet AFC is crying to reconvene Parliament to table their no- confidence motion and APNU obsession for Local Government Elections grows deeper with every passing day.” -PPP
“The PPP shares this concern due to the many persons that have approached our party offices and leaders registering their disappointment with the selection process and the non-communication of GECOM even though many have surpassed the requirements requested.
“The Guyanese people are curious to know whether the persons selected demonstrate proper and adequate representations of all our people. The Party is curious to know the contents of GECOM training, be it for General or Local Government Elections, and how it is this decision was taken, considering the AFC’s NO CONFIDENCE motion and APNU-sponsored countrywide protest for Local Government Elections. One is left to wonder what training was conducted with these persons taking into consideration the dilemma the country is placed in, by the combined Opposition,” the party is contending.
Surprising to the party, is the fact that the Opposition have not expressed any concerns about the operation at GECOM which reveals that they are probably in a state of ‘hibernation’.
“Considering this and that there has not been a single statement on GECOM’s preparations for elections from the Opposition, is it that they are privileged to information that is restricted to the PPP or they are huffing and puffing without oxygen?” the ruling party questioned.
However, the PPP also took the time to express their concern over the release of the Official List of Electors (OLE) which was expected to be available by October 30. To date, the party noted, they are still not in receipt of a copy of the OLE or even a definitive word from the election regulatory body on the status of the OLE.
“One would have thought that with the controversial appointment of a new public relations officer the nation would have been updated on these matters yet we remain in the same blinded position,” the party said, while noting that they are worried that GECOM seems to have adopted a posture that it is a Law onto itself, which seems to be a “very dangerous position.”
The PPP further explained that political parties cannot be removed from the process and so it is GECOM’s responsibility to allow for full scrutiny of key aspects of its work. The Chairman and members of GECOM, they noted, must reflect on the role played by the political parties, in keeping with the Law, with regards to the appointment of the Commission.
“Guyana is unique and so are the laws of our country. Maybe it is a good time for the Chairman and members of GECOM to have another ‘look’ at the laws to remind themselves,” PPP said.
The party concluded by seeking to remind GECOM that they are a major stakeholder in elections under their mandate and is always ready and willing to participate in whatever elections-related activities there are, once it is in the interest of all Guyanese.
(By Ravin Singh)